How to Let Someone Know You Don't Like Them

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Be direct. One way to turn someone down is to give them a simple, direct answer to a request for a date or your number. The direct approach can be good because you don't leave them hanging and because you don't leave room for ambivalence, so they can move on to someone else.

For example, you could use the line, "I appreciate you asking me, but no thank you."You could also say, "No, I'm not looking to date right now."Be sure to make "no" part of your answer so you are very clear.

Go for an indirect answer. If you don't want to flat-out reject someone, you can answer in a roundabout way. One way you can make it more roundabout is to start out with a compliment about the person but still end with a rejection.

For instance, you could note, "You seem like a good person, but I don't want to date anyone, so I'm going to say 'no.'"

Try an avoidance tactic.
Another option is using an avoidance tactic. In other words, you dodge the request by using a decoy of some sort to not respond directly, such as giving a fake number to the person so they don't know you're rejecting them.

To give out a fake number, you can just make up a number, but make sure it's not someone else's number. Also, this tactic can backfire if the person tries to call it or sees you again sometime.Another option is to say you have a boyfriend or girlfriend. You can also use a friend as a pretend significant other; however, if you use this tactic, you may drive off other people, which can be a problem if you are trying to meet people.

Skip saying "sorry.
" By apologizing, you're pointing out that you feel sorry for the person, which can make the rejection that much worse. Plus, you have no reason to apologize. You're simply saying that you choose not to accept their request.  

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