8 Ways To Tell If He's Actually A Guy Who's Nice And Not A "Nice Guy"

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He Won't Tell You About How Nice He Is

An actual nice guy won't tell have to tell you that he's a nice guy. He'll just be nice. Fake nice guys will go on and on about how "nice" they are when they're actually huge jerks.

He's Nice To Everyone

Fake nice guys are only nice to you. Guys who are actually nice will be nice to you and everyone else, even strangers. Real nice guys are kind to the waiter or waitress when he takes you on a date. They'll smile at cashiers and ask if they're having a good day. If a guy is only nice to you but a jerk to everyone around you, he's not really nice.

He's Actually Interested In Your Life

"Nice guys" don't care about what you did with your day. Guys who are nice want to know everything! It might seem confusing at first because maybe you've been dating bad boys who don't give a hoot what you had for breakfast or how many cups of coffee you've had. But guys who are nice will ask and actually be interested.

He Does Things Without Expecting Anything In Return

"Nice guys" do this thing where they do favors for you and expect you to reward them, usually with something sexual. That's because they're not nice. Guys who are nice will do things for you because they care about you, and they will not expect anything in return. They do things because they are good people, not because they want anything from you.

He Follows Through

Real nice guys will make promises or say they're going to do something and actually follow through with what it. Fake nice guys will make promises up and down, but won't ever come through at the end of the day. It can be difficult to trust that someone will realize a promise, especially if you've dated guys who have constantly let you down. Just do your best to trust that when he says he's going to do something, he'll do it. And if he doesn't, he'll have a legitimately good reason.

He Doesn't Believe In The Friend Zone

A "nice guy" will complain about being thrown into the friend zone, which we know is a fake zone that straight guys use to guilt trip girls they like who don't reciprocate feelings. An actual nice guy won't pull the friend zone card because he knows it's stupid, and he'll still be your friend even if you don't have feelings for him.

He Listens, Even When He Disagrees

You're not always going to agree with someone, especially when you're in a relationship with them. You're going to argue. That's just something that happens when you're dating, and life would be really boring if we all agreed with each other blindly. A "nice guy" who disagrees with you will not care what you have to say because he disagrees. A guy who is nice can disagree with you and still respect and value your opinion. He'll listen to your side even if he thinks you're wrong. He'll also admit when he's wrong.

He's All About Equality In A Relationship

Guys who are nice want there to be equality in a relationship and want your input on things. They want to know where you want to eat and what kind of movie you want to see. They want to compromise on things. They want you to make just as many decisions as they do.

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