Signs He Likes You More Than A Friend, Maybe

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He always gives you attention.

Fact is that most the guys will not pay full attention to a lady they are not interested in. It's easy to know he is into you depending on the quality of attention you receive. They will listen keenly to anything you say without interrupting. He will show signs of agreement through the conversation by nodding or simply saying yes. Something funny is that they will listen to you even when the rest of the congregation is not paying attention. Even if you are saying something that is not really important they won't deny you the attention.

He will always be stealing a glance.

A guy who is interested in you will always sit in strategic position where they can once in awhile admire you. This is not something bad since guys are attracted by sight. Once in awhile your eyes will come in contact when he is ring to look at you. If you are in the same class, most of the time he will lose his concentration while trying to look at you. He will always be watching you as you pass by with your friends. These are just signs that he's interested in you.

He is always nervous around you.

Out of fear that he might mess in the presence of his crush, a guy will always be nervous in front of her. Notice behaviors like fidgeting when he is talking to you or hoarseness in the voice. Sometimes he may even lack words to say when you him a simple question. He is that guy if he behaves normal when around his friends or other girls but changes immediately when you appear. All you can do here is to make him feel relaxed that is if you are interested in him too.

He compliments everything you say.

A guy who has fallen for you will always try to show that you are right in everything that you do or say. It is just a simple way of expressing to you that you are his perfect match. He will compliment even the smallest thing you say; even the one you felt did not deserve a compliment. They will say that you are right on any point. He will support any point you say. He is just trying to prove that you two are a match.

He is the guy who just calls to say hi.

Most of the time he will call not with a very valid reason or any pressing need but just to know how you are faring on. It is sign that he has been thinking about and probably wanted to hear your voice. He will sometimes even pretend to be asking about an assignment you are sure he can handle by himself. All he wants is that feeling of talking to you. He will call even just at the rumor that you had fever and will want to know how if you are okay.

He laughs at all your jokes.

You will certainly realize a guy who was not a fan of jokes laughing at the slightest attempt of a joke you make. Finds everything you say funny even when your friends do not see the humor in it. All he wants is you to feel comfortable in his presence. He wants you to realize that he will always offer support even when the rest are away. He will laugh to every joke you post on social media even if he's the only one.

He is always jealous.

He is not very comfortable seeing you hang out with other guys. He might not tell you but you can tell he's stressed by the fact that you went out with another guy. He is that guy who cannot imagine you with another person part from him. He will always try to prove to you that he is the better one among all guys you know so that you do not hang around with those others. This is the guy who will not relate very well with those guys who are close to you because he feels they are a potential threat.

He knows your likes and dislikes.

He is the guys who is very aware your choosy behavior. Know your best dress probably the best color. He knows the kind of music you listen and even your best artists. He always does investigations on you by asking your friends or even reading your social media page. He buys a gift that you cannot resist because it perfectly matches you. You can tell that he is really interested in knowing more about you. On your birthday he will bring a gift with your favorite color and remind you that you always like that.

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