Crush On You, Based On Their Zodiac Sign - Libra,Scorpio,Sagittarius

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Libra(September 23rd to October 22nd)

Libras are naturally charming and well loved, which can be confusing when trying to figure out if they like you. Sometimes their friendliness can be misleading. Though it may be hard to muster the courage, if you want to know if a Libra likes you — ask around. Not one to lie, if a Libra has been asked if they are fond of someone, they will tell the truth. Their close friends will most definitely have the low down on their current crush.

Scorpio(October 23rd to November 22nd)

If you are trying to figure out if a Scorpio likes you, pay attention to how they are around you. Are they giving you extra attention in public? That is a tell tale sign that they are fond of you, because Scorpios do not bother wasting their time with people who do not intrigue them. Around their crush, Scorpios can be really awkward, and you may not realize that they like you because of that. If a Scorpio makes intense eye contact with you, and stares at you often, this is another big sign. Scorpios are known to speak with their eyes, so if they are focused on you — you have them right where you want them.

Sagittarius(November 23rd to December 21st)

If a Sagittarius likes you, you can expect that they will try to make you laugh. They will go out of their way to make you smile. They will be playful with you, and they will try to impress you with all of their funny skills and odd behaviors. If a Sagittarius really likes you, they will stutter and act shy around you — something that rarely happens with a Sag. Expect to be complimented a lot when you are being courted by a Sagittarius.

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