Eye Contact: Gateway to a Man's Strength

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In the game of attraction, one of the critical points that separate the master seducers from the average guy is great eye contact.

It doesn't matter who you are or how good you are with women, you can reduce blowouts or rejections by having better eye contact skills.

... It has been said that a man's eyes are the gateway to his soul, and by looking into them you can see the strength of his spirit.

What do you think women see when they look into your eyes?

Let's find out...

The First Test of Strength:

When you meet a woman for the first time, you must maintain steady eye contact.

An easy way to do this is to focus on just one eye. I usually just take my right eye and look at her right eye. This makes it easier to focus without darting back and forth.

When you're at a party and you approach a girl you like, it's important that you try keep consistent steady eye contact until you see some signs of attraction. This doesn't mean keep your eyes totally glued on hers, but keep your gaze on her as much as possible. Every time you break your eye contact, it gives the woman the opportunity to decide where or not she'll keep listening or just leave.

It's the same thing when it comes to an aggressive dog — if you stand firm and look a dog right at his face, the dog will bark, but will not charge you. The dog will recognize that your frame is stronger than his, and will back down. It may even let you pet it. However if you look away or turn away, the dog will often continue it's aggression.

The Screening Frame:

When you look a woman in the eye while speaking, the woman often feels that you are screening her. This may be subconscious, but it sets off an auto-pilot response to start self-monitoring. This self-monitoring may often show in the form of preening (fixing her hair, touching her face, etc.) Regardless, she will feel like she's put in an intense spotlight, so bright that she can barely pay attention to what you're saying.

You notice this a lot when you give women solid eye contact and they utter "what..." followed by a nervous, self-monitoring smile. If you do it right, she'll often feel an momentary surge of inexplicable attraction for you.

This is how powerful eye contact is. (You can use eye contact alone without saying anything special and get a woman attracted.)

"You never get a second chance to make a first impression."

This is why when you first meet a woman you must stick to strong eye contact so that you can control the frame.

The point here is not to make her feel inadequate, but come off as a strong and dominant alpha male, not the weak beta male who darts his eyes away nervously in the presence of a woman.

Your eye contact, or lack thereof, will tell a woman volumes about you. It shows her that you are grounded, confident, and completely secure. You don't care what others think of you. You become the judge. You're showing that you're screening her to see whether she's good enough for you.

If you can't look a woman in the eye and maintain eye contact, she will see you as insecure and nervous, and she'll be the one screening you.

Attraction Points:

If you're at a party and you see a girl you like, she might catch you looking at her from a distance. At this moment, you must never look away first. Because the moment you decide to approach her, she may not be as receptive towards you, because she has already written you off as a bit unsure of yourself. You've given her the upper hand.

Most guys will look at a woman, and then when she looks back, immediately look away. It's a natural response that is easily built since childhood. We see little kids do this all the time – they stare at people and when they get caught they quickly dart their eyes away to the ceiling or something else.

It's rare to have strong eye contact unless you were raised that way or worked on it at some point in your life.

Do not give her eye contact one hundred percent of the time. That's just creepy.

When she's talking to you and you're listening, you should make eye contact about seventy percent of the time. The rest of the time you can look around you, left, right, or up – but don't look down – it's a sign of submission and nervousness.

When you're the one talking try to give her strong eye contact, except when you're thinking about something – it's natural to look away.

Once your eyes meet with a woman, wait until she looks away first. If she looks into your eyes for more than three seconds, it may be an invitation to approach her. If she looks up at you again, smile, wave, or go up and say hi. Just the fact that you didn't dart your eyes will set you apart from all the other guys.

Remember, too much eye contact and you could be seen as aggressive. You want to show her that you can maintain solid eye contact on the first meet, when you're introducing yourself, but after that you can look away.

Sometimes it's good to look away from a woman, just at the right time – the best time is when she's clearly attracted to you.

When I'm at the club talking to a girl and it's clear she's attracted, sometimes I'll look around at the club, and it'll make her try harder to get my attention. When you do this it shows her that she's not THAT special and you could move on at any time. It shows her she's not your only hope and you know you have other options, this will increase her attraction for you.

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