Signs You Need To Get Over Your Crush

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The hardest thing about having a crush is when you have to come to the realization that you need to get over him or her. At a certain point, it's just not worth your energy to keep being obsessed with someone who either doesn't feel the same way about you or who doesn't treat you right.

But how do you know when it's time to get over your crush? It's tough to figure out when you need to move on, because moving on means giving up on someone who's been really important to you for a long time. That takes a lot of strength! Here's a hint: if you feel like it's time to let it go, it probably is. Just in case, read these 10 signs that you need to get over your crush. They probably won't all apply to you, but if a few of them do... find someone who's more worth your time!

He's Dating Someone Else

The number one sign that you need to get over your crush? If he's dating someone else. If that happens, it's over. Waiting for them to break up is a complete waste of your time, and flirting with him or trying to break them up is not a nice thing to do at all. Even if he continues to flirt with you, do you REALLY want to date someone who is doing that behind his girlfriend's back?

Someone Close To You or Him Has Said You Should Stop

If a friend has taken her time to tell you something she knows you don't want to hear, that's because you need to hear it. You should take it seriously, even if it hurts. And if him, or someone close to him, has said it? You definitely need to try to get over him. If he or one of his friends has asked you to leave him alone, you have to do that - you wouldn't like it if roles were reversed.

He Asks You For Dating Advice

If he is always talking to you about other girls, he's not trying to make you jealous or play some sort of game - chances are, he just sees you as a friend, and nothing more. If a guy has a crush on you and wants to date you, he won't tell you what girls he thinks are cute, he won't ask you for help on how to talk to them, and he won't approach you for dating advice at all. If he likes you, he'll want you to know!

You Told Him You Like Him, He Didn't Respond Or It Was Negative

If you told him how you feel, congratulations - that's awesome! A lot of girls can't do that, and you should be proud that you had the courage to put yourself out there. But if he responded negatively and said he doesn't feel the same way, don't keep trying - move on. And if he never answered, don't feel confused. Him not answering means the answer is no, he just doesn't know how to say it.

He's Mean To You

Any guy who is mean to you is so not worth your time and energy. If your crush is rude to you, says mean things, or makes fun of you in front of others, don't spend time thinking about him anymore! You need to get over him ASAP.

It's Been Years and Nothing Has Happened

If you've been crushing on this guy for years, and NOTHING has happened at all, it might be time to give it up. Try to make a move, and if it doesn't work, move on. Don't waste years of your life focusing on one person. There are better opportunities out there, and the more time you spend on this guy, the more it will bring you down.

He's Been Stringing You Along

If you and your crush have been doing some weird on-and-off or friends with benefits type thing for a while, seriously ask yourself if the relationship is going anywhere. If you suspect he's using you just to hook up, it's probably true... and you deserve a crush who won't do that to you.

He Avoids You or Ignores You

If he knows you like him or even suspects that you like him, and he spends most of his time ignoring you or running in the opposite direction when he sees you... take the hint. Chances are, he's not just shy. Chances are, he's not interested, but doesn't know how to deal with it. Collect your pride and give it up.

You've Turned Down A Lot Of Other Opportunities For Him

If it's been a while and things haven't gone your way, you've probably turned down other things for this guy. If you've blown off other guys who were interested for a chance with your crush, and things don't seem to be going anywhere, why not stop doing that and give someone else a chance?

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