How to Forget About the Guy You Like Part 2

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Focus on what's important in your life. If you are constantly fixating upon what your crush is doing, you will find it much harder to forget him. Think about what demands your focus right now: maybe you have a big test coming up, or an exciting trip, or a big game this weekend. Try to divert your attention away from your crush so that you can move on. Throw yourself into your hobbies, your passions, and your obligations, and try to keep your mind engaged in the present.

If you can't think of anything big that's coming up, try to focus on things that you can look forward to each day. Think about how lucky you are to be able to eat lunch with your friends on a daily basis. Think about the satisfaction that you get from practicing music, or practicing a sport, and feeling yourself gradually improve.

Take some time to center yourself before pursuing another guy.
If you have an especially rough time getting over this guy, you might want to take at least a few weeks to bring your emotions back into balance. Focus on school, on sports, friends, hobbies – focus on anything that you love. Try to bring yourself back in line with your non-relationship goals.

When you find yourself drawn to a new guy, ask yourself whether you are ready. It can be a wonderful experience to let yourself fall for someone, but make sure that you are prepared for the emotional ride.Be careful not to simply replace your crush with another guy. Ask yourself, and be honest: are you shifting your feelings onto this new guy without giving yourself time to get over the first guy? If so, consider taking it slow.Some people advocate the "rebound" strategy: find a guy for whom you have a purely physical attraction, and don't let it get too serious. You will need to decide what's best for you – but be careful not to play with someone else's feelings as a way to deflect your own pain.

Learn how to interact with the guy on a platonic level.
You will know that you have fully moved on when you can hold a normal, non-self-conscious conversation with this guy. Try to change your emotional association with him from "crush" to "friend". You may not work well as romantic partners, but you may find that you become great friends! If you are already friends with the guy, and you don't want to throw that friendship away, you will need to learn how to be platonic.  

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