Best way to stop caring about someone who doesn't care about you ?

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  First, you must recognize that you're attachment to another is amplified by the insecurities you harbor. You must accept this, and then you must forgive yourself.

Instead of trying to gain the approval of another, approve of yourself, and practice loving yourself with positive affirmations and positive imagination.

Once you fully accept and love yourself, the approval of another will have little to no effect on your peace of mind, and your deepest desires will attract to you magnetically  

  I've had the same issue before, and still kind of do.

You can't force yourself to just stop caring/loving someone, it's just not normal or healthy to drop feelings that easily.

Kudos to whoever can do that but I surely can't.

But, to numb the feelings a little bit, I sometimes just constantly remind myself that the person doesn't share the same feelings and that they aren't good enough for me or don't appreciate my many, great qualities I have and that I shouldn't waste my time caring about someone who doesn't care about me.

I'll be honest, it's a lot harder then how I explained it.  

  Out of sight out of mind, out of mind out of heart.

Never lose yourself in trying to hold on to someone who doesn't care about losing you.

Letting go is showing you have control of yourself, and the only one you can control is you!

Take your mind of of it and engage in stuff you enjoy, hobbies/sports/friends, keep your mind busy and at times talk about it. It helps :)  

  Just leave them alone say you've had enough and if they truly care they'll come back but in time, you can not force them to care.  

  Move on. Life is too short to care about someone who does not care about you. Focus on the people who really care about you.  

We cannot stop thinking about someone that easily, but time brings the change.

Every human is unique and we cannot always expect the same thing from others in return as we do.

Accept the reality that, those who doesn't care for you are not really worth for you. 

You deserve better in all possible ways. 

Say this to yourself everyday when you wake up from bed.

Good things happen tho those who do good to others, and let you wait patiently till you find someone who cares you so much than you ever do.

May god help to those who help themselves in getting out of this pain:)

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