If a guy doesn't care about you?

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  He doesn't call or text you back. The too busy stuff is bs. It doesn't take long to send a text at the very least.

If he doesn't want to be in a relationship with you yet wants to keep you around for favors...whatever those may be. If he picks fights about anything and everything...it's because he needs a reason to break up with you.

I've done that to a few girls I lost interest.

If he checks out other women all the time when you're around and obsesses about how sexy they are...I mean it's normal for us to look @ other women but to not care if you notice and even obsess about it as though you're not there...that's just very disrespectful.

When a guy tries to hook you up with his friends.

When you try to talk about yourself, and they keep changing it about themselves.

It's not that he's necessarily a narcissist but that he only cares about himself and not you.

When you care about someone you want to hear what's going on with them and their life.

When he vanishes and disappears for weeks at a time...with no excuse...he doesn't give a crap about you. He's unreliable.

He never keeps up with his plans, and just shows you're on the bottom of his priority list and you're always left on the back-burner.

His body language...if he pulls away or acts awkward. He wants to get away from you. If he calls you names or puts you down and always criticizes you...he doesn't care for you.

Most guys (Not All) will never tell a chick they don't care.

Whether it's a serious long-term partner and the feelings died out.

Or a chick they have no plans to take it further with on a first date. Hope this helps you.  

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