He might just be shy

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He looks at you when you are not looking.

One of the key characteristics of a shy guy is he does not want to get caught looking at you, confrontation is not everyone's forte . Instead, he resorts to admiring you from afar. Engaging with someone you like is terrifying and a shy guy is often afraid of being rejected or judged. He rarely opens up. That being said, it's very hard to tell when a shy guy likes you. However, once in a while, you may pick up on signs like subtle eye contact indicating his interest.

He tries to talk to you, but looks like he could throw up.

A shy guy will usually stay within his group of friends. So, when he approaches you, chances are he likes you. He might not have anything to say or appears very awkward, but this is the bravest thing he's done in a while. Throwing caution to the wind and talking to the girl he likes is worth it to him.

He treats you differently.

As mentioned before, a shy guy will rarely approach you unless he's interested in you. When a shy guy likes you, he will go out of his way to get your attention or do favors for you. He will treat you differently than any of the girls around you, whether it's grabbing you an extra cup of coffee or bragging about you to his friends.

He seems annoyed when you talk about other guys.

Since opening up is hard for shy guys, when he does trust you that bond is special to him. Talking to other guys may make him feel insecure. He may get annoyed and start distancing himself, fearing that he will lose you or get hurt.

He shows interest in the things you do.

A shy guy rarely steps outside his comfort zone particularly with doing new things. If you mentioned about something that you like, and he starts getting involved in them, chances are he likes you. If you sense that this is the case, and he's someone you like too, be sure to encourage him to do those things more.

He tries to talk to you over the internet.

A shy guy feels a lot more comfortable communicating over the web, because then he feels like he won't be judged for how he looks, how he talks, how he expresses his body language etc. If you notice a shy guy engaging you over the internet often, chances are he's interested in you. If you're interested in him and want to move the relationship forward try calling him or meeting up.

His friends tease him when you're around.

Guys who are shy will often keep their feelings about someone they like to themselves But close friends can usually tell what's happening. If you start to notice his friends acting a bit strange when you're around with him, chances are they know that something is up. If you like him too, consider confronting his friends about it.

He seems interested in you, but never really makes a move.

Shy guys are often too afraid of rejection to put themselves out there and make a move on a girl. So they'll talk to you and show all the signs that they are interested in you but somehow wait for you to make the move for them. If he seems hesitant to make that last leap, maybe ask him out.

He remembers little things about you.

He'll remember the name of your pet hamster when you were 5 or your favorite toppings on a pizza. A shy guy will remember little details about you and your life. And he'll try to downplay it when you say "wow, you remembered!". He doesn't want to make it obvious that he likes you but will be proud that you appreciate it.

He Tries to Act More Social Than He Is.

When I worked as a waitress, my co worker really liked me but since he was painfully shy he would try to act as social as possible in the restaurant to get my attention. He would talk to all the customers, try to tell jokes, and be everyone's friend – all to show you that he's not THAT shy. So if a guy who keeps to himself suddenly tries to be a social butterfly around you, he's interested in you.

He's confident at first but then stops talking to you.

Often guys who have shy personalities will come off as confident and personable at first. However, once he gets comfortable he might start second guessing himself and distance himself from you. Shy guys are full of mixed signals and confusion.

 His body language.

Pay attention to the way expresses himself in his body language. If he's fidgeting with his hands, can't stay still, or won't make eye contact when he's talking to you, chances are he likes you. A very quiet guy liked me once and whenever I talked to him he would look ANYWHERE but my eyes, and he used to trip and fumble all over words. If you see something like this, that guy definitely likes you.

He tries to talk to your friends and befriend them.

Often shy guys will try engage your friends in conversations and try to be friends with them in order to get your attention. Their goal is always to make you notice them but in a way that they won't have to directly to tell you. So if a guy suddenly starts asking your friends about you and is leaving hints with them, he likes you.

He genuinely cares about you and listens to you.

It's really hard to get a guy to pay attention to you, much less listen to what's going in your life. So if you have a guy friend who really cares about and likes to listen to your problems and gives you great advice, there's a chance he might like you but is too afraid to say anything. Just check the rest of things on this list and you'll have your answer!

He is silent when you are around

How to know a shy guy likes you is how he acts in front of his friends when you are near him. When a guy likes a girl, he will either talk silly or go silent. If he is talking among his friends but goes silent when you walk by, then chances are he is into you. He will pretend that he was not a part of the ongoing conversation and be at a loss for words. He might even go as far as to saying something irrelevant or silly. Don't be surprised if you say hello and he does not answer you either, it does not mean he is being rude; this is a common thing when it comes to shy guys.

He changes how he looks

If all of a sudden he looks a little different especially when he is coming around you it might mean he is making an extra effort to look his best for you. How to tell when a shy guy likes you ?is that he might be noticeably taking special care when it comes to his hair, clothes, shoes or overall appearance in general. He might think you like a particular look and wants to impress you. If you have noticed maybe you can acknowledge him and make him know that his efforts are not lost.

What is it about the shy guy that makes him so different?

When you like a shy guy you cannot expect him to behave the same way that normal guys do. It is not hard to figure how to know if a shy guy likes you just keep your eyes open and be perceptive. Don't be surprised if he takes forever to ask you out. In fact, you might have to take the initiative and ask him out. Even though some women find shy guys to be too timid, many women believe that shyness is better as the guy is not as forward as regular men. Don't mistake them though. Shy guys still will know when to take charge.

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