How to Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character

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Remember that the character isn't real. In the end, you fell for a character, someone who does not exist. Make sure that is clear in your mind, even if it means stating it over and over again.

Try to look for your character's flaws or negative aspects. If he doesn't have any, that itself is a flaw. No one is perfect, and you wouldn't be okay with a real relationship where nothing was wrong with your partner.Sometimes it helps to have other people say these things to you to make them more real. Discuss your desire to cut yourself off from this fictional world with your friends. They can help you of things that are real, and what isn't.

Recognize stereotyping.
Especially in visual fiction, many characters are portraying stereotypes of people. A good way to get over your character is to remember that he is just a representation of reality. Real people aren't necessarily as perfect, or romantic, or witty, or uncomplicated (or whatever adjective you choose) as your fictional character.

This step is also important when considering how you react to characters you don't like. Certain types of people are depicted in specific ways to get a reaction from you. For example, teacher characters can be shown as cranky old people who want their students to fail. While some of these people exist, that hardly represents them, and shouldn't affect the way you interact with real teachers, especially those who are younger and friendly.

Cut yourself off. This is good advice for ending relationships with real people too. If you want to stop thinking about and caring about someone, cut her out of your life. This will give you room to grow, and be able to live your life without her.

Don't read the books, watch the shows or movies, or do anything involving that character. This also means avoiding websites that talk about this fictional world. You wouldn't want to stalk an ex on Facebook, so don't give yourself a similar opportunity here.

Remember that it's okay to grieve.
You have let this character become part of your life, especially if he or she has appeared in something you have read or watched for a long time. It is natural to feel some sense of loss.

For teenagers and young adults who have not yet experienced death, fictional worlds can be a good entrance to thinking about and discussing the issue. Consider sharing your feelings with others. You may find this can be a good way to start talking about serious issues in your real life as well.

Vent your feelings. If your favorite character has been killed off, or written out of the fictional world, you'll probably be angry. Let others know about it. You will be experiencing some extreme feelings, and sometimes it's better just to let those out.

Just be careful about spoilers when dealing with popular books, movies, or TV shows. In the modern world, people don't always experience things together, meaning some people won't see things as soon as you do. If you posting on a public forum like Twitter, keep your comments vague, saying "I can't believe that happened" rather than "Why did they kill my favorite character." Keep the details for people you know are on the same schedule as you.

Find ways to remember your character. Reflect on what made him so important to the story, and what made you fall for him. Talk to friends or others about the character, why his death is so frustrating, and what you liked most.

Reread or rewatch the parts of the book or show where your fictional love appears. The great thing about fictional worlds like this is that we can always go back.Look for other ways to keep the character in front of you, whether writing your own fan fiction, or drawing the character so you can see him again.

Keep reading or watching. Good fiction will deal with what follows from a character's death. After she is gone, stick with the show or book so you can see the other characters react. This can help you accept what has happened.

Alternatively, you can take a break from the show or book. If you are truly emotionally afflicted by what has happened, you'll want to take some time away from this fictional world to make sure it isn't overly affecting your real life.

Remember that someone else controls your character's fate. The difficult thing about fictional characters is that their story does end at some point. In the end, all of their actions are the result of someone else's imagination. That means only that person has control of what happens. Even if your character didn't die, the book or show would eventually end.  

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