Make the First Move

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Pay attention to body language cues. It's the old but true cliché: actions always speak louder than words. Only 7% of our daily communication is verbal. 55% of our communication comes from body language. Before initiating any kind of move, look for clues such as prolonged eye contact and positive facial expressions to help you work out whether you'll get a positive response.

A woman may expose certain areas of her body like her neck or wrists, and may play with her hair. She may touch you or lean against you, or maybe she will turn towards you with her arms open and uncrossed.A man may exhibit more obvious and bold signals. These may include resting an arm on the back of your chair, engaging in strong eye contact, and sitting or leaning close to you.

Communicate with your body language.
Be sure that you are sending the right signals as well as receiving them. Your body language can give the object of your desire hints that you are interested.

Smiling can be a strong indicator that someone is interested. Make sure you also are smiling to communicate your interest to the other person.You may notice that you are 'mirroring', which is the subconscious copying of the actions of the other person's body positions. When someone smiles at you, you tend to smile back. Flirting is a way of mirroring each other's actions. Try to see if you're on the same wavelength by doing an action. If the other person mirrors you, great. If she doesn't, go back to mirroring her to create a bond.

Engage in good conversation. While there are physical ways to flirt, talking and chatting can also be a great way to get to know someone and possibly take the relationship to the next level. Displaying good listening and communication skills indicates confidence, one of the most attractive qualities in a person. While men are more motivated by action, women tend to value meaningful words from their partners. Regardless of gender, most individuals appreciate a good one on one chat.  

Ask interesting questions. When talking to your beloved, skip observations about the weather, or questions that can be answered with one word (and result in awkward silences).

Open ended questions about current events, your personal backgrounds, common interests and hobbies, can steer the conversation in the right direction.Prompts like, "What books are you reading these days? Seen any great movies lately? What is your favorite part of the city/town/neighborhood you live in?" are good ways to keep the conversation going.Follow up questions like, "What was your favorite character in that book? What did you think of the end of that movie? Why do you like that part of the city so much?" illustrate you are paying attention to your partner's answers and reacting to him in an interested way.

Be honest and straightforward. While sweet talk and light banter can create some fun conversations, honesty also goes a long way. This doesn't mean you have to spill all the personal details of your private life in one conversation, but being direct and straightforward about what you look for in a partner, your outlook on life, etc, illustrates self assurance and self knowledge. It also allows your partner to understand where you're coming from, and feel comfortable sharing his point of view as well. 


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