How to Tell if a Guy Likes You As More Than a Friend

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Note the types of things you do together. Are you engaging in more date-like activities, or are you on the buddy system? Taking a long hard look at how you hang out can help you understand his real intentions. Here are some things to consider:

Are you doing couple-y things together without being a couple? Do you find yourself grocery shopping, cooking dinner together, or even going to the Farmer's Market with one grocery bag? These may be signs that he sees you as a girlfriend already.When you hang out, are you hanging solo or with a big group of people? This may indicate if he wants to see you a more than a friend.If he invites his ten best friends or entire fraternity to join you when you hang out, he may not see you as more than a friend. But pay attention--if he only invites other couples to join you, he probably wants to pair off with you.But if he invites his siblings, best friends, or if (yikes!) you somehow end up meeting his parents, this is a sure-fire sign that he wants you to be a serious part of his life.

Note how often you hang out. You can tell a lot about what he really thinks by considering how often and for how long you hang out.

Note the frequency of your hang-outs. If you hardly go a day without seeing him, he may want to spend his nights with you as well as the days. However, if you only see him once a month or so and he lives in your neighborhood, then he may not want to see you more often.Note how long you hang out for when you see him. Does your coffee date turn into a three-hours philosophical discussion, or is he gone in the time it takes you to ask for the check? If he can't stop talking to you, this is a sign that he wants something more from you.

Note where you're hanging out.
One of the easiest ways to see if he sees you as more than a friend is to note the places where you're hanging out. Here are some ways to see if he's trying to kick your relationship up a notch:

If you go out to eat, note the type of restaurant. If you're at a fun, loud, tapas bar, he may see you as more than a friend, but if you're at a quiet, candle-lit restaurant with fine wine, he may be trying to tell you something. However, if he sits down next you at the school cafeteria, that may not mean he's in the market for romance.Look around at the other people at the restaurant. Are they couples ogling each other, or friends laughing and chatting it up? This may say something about what he has in mind for you.Don't overthink it. He may really like you--but he might also really like Korean BBQ. The location can be a good indicator, but it can't tell you everything.If he invites you to the movies, what kind of a movie is it? Are you watching a romantic comedy or tear-jerker, or are you watching a bloody war film or a documentary? His choice of flick may tell you if he wants to put his arm around you or if he just wants a buddy.If you go to see a show, is it a low-lit jazz show or a female crooner, or a loud death metal concert that makes you go partially deaf? Is it the kind of place where you stand up and rock out, or sit down to romantically enjoy the show?

When you hang out can be just as important as where. This can be a clue to whether he sees you as a casual friend or if he's trying to take things to the next level. Pay attention to two things in particular:

Do you meet during the day, or in the evenings? There's a big difference between a lunch date and a dinner date, or morning coffee and an evening drink. If you tend to hang out more during the day, then you're currently hanging out in the friend zone--but that doesn't mean he doesn't want more.Do you hang out during the week or weekends? If you're meeting up on Monday instead of Friday, you may find yourself in friend territory once more.

Ask around. An easy way to find out how he feels is simply to ask other people. Of course, you should do this with caution because you don't want him to find out what you really think about him. Here are some ways to find out:

Casually ask his friends. Ask his friends if he's seeing anyone or if he has feelings for anyone. Pick a friend you really trust, though--it will be hard to find a guy who breaks bro-code and doesn't report to him immediately.Ask your girlfriends what they think. Your friends have seen the two of you together and can be honest about their assessment of the situation.Have your friends ask him. Again, proceed with caution. If it's not too obvious, have one of your girlfriends ask him if he has his eye on someone special. She can pretend that she wants to set him up with someone else, for example.

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