When you fall in love with a fictional character

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How to Cope With Being in Love With a Fictional Character

  Falling in love with a fictional character is not unusual, and many people have found themselves emotionally attached to a character in a book, movie, TV show, or video game. You do want to be careful that these romantic feelings don't prevent you from living your life or having real romantic relationships. That being said, romance with a fictional character can also be a good opportunity to find an outlet for your creativity, and learn more about yourself and what you need from a relationship.  

Know you are not alone. You are not the only person out there who is attracted to a fictional character. Chances are, you aren't even the only person attracted to that particular character.

Even without falling in love, many people can take emotional and verbal cues from characters they see portrayed in fiction. Romantic feelings are just one way fictional characters can affect our real life.

Talk about it with your friends. Chances are you aren't the only one in your circle of friends to follow a certain type of fiction. Even if they do not care for the exact book you are reading, or show you are watching, they will understand some of the feelings you have.  

Allow yourself to fantasize. Fantasy, creating a false world around your romance, is a normal reaction to love that has its limits. In this case, the limit is that the object of your affection does not exist.

Your fantasy can take any kinds of forms. You may picture a physical relationship, or maybe imagine getting married and living your lives together. A more active imagination might even consider how the relationship would end, including divorce, combat, or death. All things are possible with your imagination.

Write fan fiction. One way to express your love for a fictional character is to explore your feelings in writing. Create a story involving the object of your affection, and build a situation where the two of you finally meet.

Let your imagination run wild. If you are love with this character, consider what he or she does that attracts you, and depict them doing more of it. Include yourself, creating a world where the two of you can be together.If you're more of a visual person, try sketching or drawing your fictional character instead. Visual work can be just as imaginative as the written word.

Share your work with others. Post your story to a website that publishes fan fiction. You can find sites that cater to general audiences, or serve fans of a particular book or show. This also gives you an opportunity to provide feedback for other people's stories.

Just remember, if you are a character in your stories, to avoid posting personal details. You don't want someone to be able to track you down based on private information that you made easily available online.Some people have been able to make a lot of money off of their fan fiction. These are the exceptions, so while you may be willing to publish your work online, don't be surprised if only a few other diehards read it.

Figure out if your love is hurting your life. Daydreaming or fantasizing is fine, but your fantasy should not take over your life. If you find yourself wanting to get out of social situations, or avoiding real relationships, then you have taken your love to an unhealthy place.

If you are unable to stop fantasizing on your own, consider therapy or antidepressants to help break free. Discuss this option with a doctor if you are concerned about your ability to function.

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