Why Does He Say One Thing, But Mean Another?

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If a guy suggest that you should hang out then it is a good sign that he likes you, but is a little hesitant to just pin it down to a specific time and date. He doesn’t want to face rejection, which is a common guy fear. He wants you to respond with something more specific. If you just say “sure, that would be greatâ€, then he will probably think you don’t really want to hang out with him.


If he compliments something about you, like your shoes, then he is actually complimenting you as a whole. Usually a guy doesn’t really mean he is just head over heels about your new shoes. He means he is liking you. You know guys, though, their ego won’t let them just come out and say it. He may be saying that he likes you or maybe that he likes your legs, but he is being subtle about it. Think about it. How would you act if he just came out and said nice legs. He doesn’t want to deal with that reaction, so he takes the safe route.


If a guy tells you that he is listening after you accuse him of not listening then he is being honest, but he is really telling you that he is not up for some long emotional discussion. By being a bit distant he is hoping you will just stop talking and drop whatever it is you are talking about. Guys say many things to simply avoid emotional confrontation. Along this same line is the common break up line of “You’re too good for me.â€

As you can see, many times what a guy says has some truth to it. However, guys just are not good with outright emotional things and so they take a roundabout way to get their point across. The next time you are trying to decode guy speak keep that in mind.

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