How to Dump a Nice Guy

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Make sure that you are ready to let him go.
Don't make a hasty decision. Take the time to think through the situation and consider all of the pros and cons about being with him. You don't want to regret ending it a few months later.

Are you focusing on trivial things too much? Does it really matter that he doesn't always want to do what you want to do? Are there other things that you both enjoy doing? Answer these questions carefully.Have your friends or family subtly hinted that he is not good enough and you're letting them get in your head? Evaluate your reasons for the break up.

Refuse to manipulate him. Many people choose to treat their partners poorly in hopes that they will initiate the break up. You could constantly nag at him about doing chores, criticize his clothing, break plans with him continuously, or even cheat on him so that he will end things with you. Then, you won't have to do it. However, that technique will make you dislike yourself and harm him, too.

Your partner might not understand what you're doing. If you've acted consistently and kindly, but change your behavior overnight, he might not take the hint. He may even worry that something is going on with you.You might cause this good person to doubt his self-worth. Why do something like that? It might be uncomfortable, but just tell him the truth.

Shut down stress.
You're not doing yourself any favors by remaining in a relationship just to avoid hurting someone's feelings. If the nice guy and you don't have complimentary personalities or dreams, let him go or else you will become stressed.

Stress heightens your cortisol levels, which can make you gain weight. Most women dislike gaining weight, and getting into a new relationship won't be fun or easy if you don't like how you look.Heightened cortisol can throw your immune system, your digestive system, and even your reproductive organs out of wack. Keep that stress in check--don't procrastinate having this conversation!

Recognize how important it is to have closure. Most people dread breaking up with someone and may choose to procrastinate or simply stop interacting with that person altogether. Leaving your significant other in the dark is bad form and will make you both feel worse.

The end of something significant, like a relationship or a job, is heavy stuff. Recognize that the break up will emotionally impact both your boyfriend and you.We recall beginnings and endings more vividly than the middle parts of our experiences. Don't end things in a way that will tarnish the memories that you had of one another. When people have closure, they feel at peace instead of obsessing over went wrong. As a result, they exert energy on other people or life pursuits rather than on mulling over the relationship. Both of you deserve the ability to quickly move on. 

Speak to him in person.
Breaking up with someone by sending an email, text, or even a voicemail is all the rage, but it will not satisfy him, it is ineffective, and it is inconsiderate. If he is a great guy, he deserves an explanation.

Talking to him face-to-face will allow you to clearly explain your reasons for breaking up. Doing so will benefit you and him.People can experience long-lasting negative psychological effects if they don't receive enough information about why a significant other left them. Nonverbal signals like touching him or smiling can let him know that you value him as a person, which would not come across electronically.

Choose an appropriate location. This can not be an afterthought. Environment affects mood, ability to focus, and how we interpret what is said. Find a place where you both feel comfortable.

A lakefront park, for instance, might be a good idea since the waves can provide a calming distraction.Going to a cozy café might be a poor choice since strangers will sit within earshot and the romantic vibe might make you both uncomfortable.

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