How to Tell if a Guy Likes You As More Than a Friend

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Don't stalk or snoop. There's no way to turn off a guy faster than to be the obsessive girl who tries to learn every detail of his life. Here are some things to avoid at all costs:

Looking through his phone. If he leaves his phone out, do not look through it to see if he's texting other girls. If he catches you, he will see that as a big red flag.Looking through his email or Facebook messages. If he walks away from his computer for a minute, avoid the temptation to be a snoop.Following him around to see who he's hanging out with. This may put him more in the mood for a restraining order than romance.

Be brave and tell him how you feel! In the end, things may not move forward if you don't take the initiative. If you're pretty sure he likes you or are just feeling brave and like you have nothing to lose, then go ahead and tell him how you feel.

Be lighthearted. Don't take it too seriously. Don't arrange a time and place to meet up and say, "I have something important to tell you." Just find the right moment to tell him you have a crush on him and are wondering if he feels it too. Don't make it a big deal--you don't want him to feel bad if he doesn't feel the same way.Be creative. Find a fun way to tell him how you feel. You can send him a note, a Valentine, or ask him to solve a riddle. Don't overdo it, but if you think outside the box, he may be impressed.

Don't be disappointed if he doesn't reciprocate your feelings.
In the end, it may just not be meant to be. If you want to continue the friendship, here are some things to keep in mind:

Don't be too disappointed if he doesn't share your feelings. This will just make everyone feel bad in the end. It's better to play it off.Remind yourself what a great friend he is and how lucky you are to have him. You may have missed out on a chance at romance, but you have a great friend for life.Know when you need to take a break. If your crush has blossomed into full-blown love, it may be time to take a break from the friendship because it will hurt too much. If you stop crushing on him, you can return to hanging out, but there's nothing worse than torturing yourself by hanging out with someone who doesn't share your feelings.Ask him if he likes anyone in your class. He might blush or look down. If so, that means that he could be thinking of .Don't start acting like a total guy around him because he'll start considering you more of one of the guys.Find out what he likes and learn more about it. It will turn him on if you two have a lot of things in common.If you know your guy friend is a major flirt, chances may be slightly different. He might just be trying to flirt with you for fun.You have to be confident in yourself!!Appearance is important! Make sure your breath smells fine, and try to use a body spray or perfume to make you're own scent. Don't overdo anything, though!! And notice little things like that on him also.Be yourself! If he doesn't like you for who you are then he's not worth it.There are guys who will lose interest in you if you don't show interest in them--showing just a little bit can help. This particularly goes for the more shy guys.If you want him to notice you, don't make it too obvious. He'll think you are insane and start to avoid you.Attitude is key, and not just confidence. Be positive and happy, and try to tuck your hair behind your ear when you talk to him, just to add a little extra.Don't giggle a lot when you're with your friends and he passes by - guys become paranoid about what you are saying, and not in a good way!Don't just flirt—get to know him first.Tell him the truth, but don't chase him if he doesn't feel the same.He may be the type of guy who always has a girl for a best friend. He may be exhibiting many of the signs, but he may really just see you as a super-close friend. Note his past friendships to see if there's a pattern.Don't be too intimidating or really be attached to him. He may not be ready for this change.

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