Crush On You, Based On Their Zodiac Sign - Capricorn,Aquarius,Pisces

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Capricorn(December 22nd to January 20th)

If a Capricorn likes you, they will be very hot and cold. One day they will be flirting with you, and they next day they will avoid you. This is due to their overthinking, they don't want to seem too eager, and will often choose indifference after a day of affection. Capricorns need to feel superior, and having a crush makes them feel weak. This often causes them to break things off before they even start, because they do not want to risk being hurt. However, if you make them feel secure, and show a Capricorn that you too think they are wonderful, they will stick around, and they will eventually admit their feelings for you. Pay attention to the advice you get from a Capricorn, it is a very big sign of affection. Capricorns want to make sure you know about all of their unique talents, and this is their way of impressing you. They will make eye contact with you if they are fond of you, and will often stare at you intensely if they foster feelings for you.

Aquarius(January 21st to February 18th)

If an Aquarius likes you they will want to be around you. They are reserved when it comes to emotions, but they will encourage you to take what you want. Usually, this means them, but they will test you to see if you will be deterred. If you are unsure of an Aquarius and have another conquest in mind, they will often tell you that you deserve better than that person. They will always try to steer you in their direction. If an Aquarian keeps a conversation going with you for a long period of time, know that they admire you — Aquarians are very bad at focusing their attention in regular situations.

Pisces(February 19th to March 20th)

If a Pisces likes you they get very coy and very silly. They are dreamers, and they will always want to share their craziest fantasies and desires with you. Their awkwardness is often very endearing, and their fits of laughter are a tell tale sign that they find you charming. If a Pisces likes you, it will feel like you are in high school again. They will poke you and giggle a lot, and they will approach you in childish ways, sending cute text messages, and flirty comments your way. If a Pisces flirts with you more online versus in person, just know that this is because they are shy, and they tend to withdraw in real life situations. This does not mean that they don't like you, or that they're playing games. They're just more confident online.

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