How to Forget Your Crush

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Let your emotions out. If you want to forget your crush, then the first thing you have to do is to admit that you have strong feelings for this person. If you're in denial about how much your crush means to you, then you'll just keep all of those intense feelings inside instead of letting them go. Take the time to cry, to talk to a close friend about it, to admit how much you've been hurt, and to acknowledge your feelings.

Write down what you're feeling, if that helps. If you don't want to open up to a friend, opening up to a journal can make you feel better, too.If you're going to be upset for a little while because things didn't work out with your crush, that's okay. Let your friends know that you're going to lie low for a little while and don't force yourself to be super social if you're just not feeling it.That being said, after a few weeks or so, it's time to stop wallowing and to start having some form of social interaction. If you spent too much time being alone with your feelings, you may only feel worse.

Forget your anger and bitterness.
You may have many reasons for feeling angry or bitter. Maybe your crush really hurt you. Maybe you were so sure things would work out and they didn't. Maybe your crush ended up dating one of your friends and you're feeling mad at both of them. These feelings will naturally accompany the situation you're in, but that doesn't mean that they are healthy or that they can help you move on.

Write down all of the reasons why you're feeling angry and bitter. Acknowledging your pain is crucial to forgetting it. Once you've figured out where all of your negative feelings are coming from, you can begin to tackle them, one by one.If you come in contact with your crush, don't let them see how angry or bitter you may be feeling. The best thing you can do is act completely indifferent, like you could care less about what your crush is up to. If you keep faking indifference, you'll be surprised by how quickly you'll really start to feel it.

Focus on your crush's worst qualities.
Stop thinking about how good-looking, funny, or sweet your crush is whenever they pop in your mind. Instead, focus on all of the bad parts about your crush, from their weird fashion sense or their ability to be mean to perfect strangers. Make a list of all of these qualities if it helps. When your crush comes to mind, conjure up all of these negative thoughts instead of the positive ones. This will help you remember that your crush isn't really such a great person, after all.

If you think that your crush is perfect and that you really can't think of one bad thing about them, then guess what? You don't really know that person all that well. There is no such thing as a perfect person and everyone has flaws.The more you think about all of the bad aspects of your crush, the sooner you'll see that you two aren't right for each other after all.

Know that you deserve better. You may think that you and your crush would be the world's most perfect couple, but that's just not the case. If you really belonged together, then it would happen, wouldn't it? For whatever reason, it didn't work out between you and your crush, and it's likely that it's because you're simply just too good for them. Your crush is not your soul mate, and once you realize that, you'll be able to find someone who you do deserve.

Sure, you may have heard all of your friends telling you that you deserve better than your crush over and over again, but this won't sink in until you realize it for yourself.

Remember how amazing you are. If you're feeling down in the dumps about things not working out with your crush, then it's likely that you need to pump yourself up. You probably are feeling down on yourself, and like you're unworthy in some way because you're not dating your crush, but that's the farthest thing from the truth. Remember your most amazing qualities, focus on all of the great friends and opportunities in your life, and remember your favorite personality traits. Keep telling yourself that you are an amazing person who only deserves the best – and "the best" simply does not refer to your crush!

Staying positive is key here. If you focus on all of the good things in your life and in your character instead of the things you don't have, then you'll be able to move on much faster than you would if you only saw the worst in every situation.

Stop talking to your crush. It may sound obvious that you should stop talking to your crush if you want to forget them, but chances are that you may still be talking to your crush even if you know it's not good for you. You don't have to be downright rude, but you should make a point of avoiding your crush and not talking to them as much as you can. Stop texting, calling, or just stopping and saying hi to your crush. The sooner you stop seeing your crush and hearing their voice, the sooner you'll be able to really get your crush out of your life.

If you have to be in the same place as your crush, like a class, for example, then you should be nice and polite without making an effort. There's no need to be mean and it won't make you feel better.

Stop talking about your crush, too.
Though talking to a close friend about forgetting your crush can help you move on, if you talk about your crush to every single person you come across or every mutual friend you have, then you won't be feeling better any time soon. You don't have to be denial about your feelings, but if you keep mentioning your crush, you'll only be opening up old wounds and reminding yourself of the very thing that hurt you.

If you do have mutual friends, avoid asking about how your crush is doing. How will that make you feel better?

Avoid your crush on social media. If you're only going on Facebook, Instagram, or any other social networking sites to stalk your crush and to see if they've been dating anyone else or hanging out with that cute person in your chem class, then you should take a social media break. If you really do love Facebook, then avoid the temptation to click on their profile and use it to stay in touch with the people who actually make you feel good. Seeing pictures of your crush is guaranteed to make you feel worse, so stop torturing yourself.

Give yourself a time limit – say you'll only spend 15 minutes a day on Facebook. If you want to spend that time stalking your crush, then you won't get to see what the people who actually care about you are up to.

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