How to Show a Guy That You Like Him

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  It can be hard to show a guy that you like him. It's tricky to find a balance between coming on too strong and being so subtle that the guy will have absolutely no clue that you have a thing for him. If you want to show a guy that you like him, you have to take an interest in him by getting to know him, and then drop some hints that you see him in a romantic light. If you want to know how to show a guy that you like him without looking desperate or sending mixed signals, just follow these steps.  

Pay attention to your appearance. Let him know that you like him by making an effort to look nice whenever you're around him. You should still be yourself, but take extra care with your hair and makeup and outfits, so he can start to notice you. You don't have to wear a tight dress and high heels if you're at a baseball game with him, but let him know that you care about your looks when you're around him..

Don't be afraid to be a little sexy. If you're comfortable with your body, show it off.If you're not comfortable with a lot of makeup, then you shouldn't try to look like someone else just to impress him.Try wearing a little lip gloss, and applying it in front of him. This will make him pay more attention to your lips.

 Your body language can let the guy know that you think of him as more than a friend. When you're talking to him, turn your body toward him and make eye contact to show that he means a lot to you. Don't be distracted by turning your body away, looking around, or checking your phone.

Play with your hair when you talk to him. This will show that you're nervous about being around him.Break eye contact from time to time to look at the floor. This will show him that he makes you feel shy.Don't forget to smile. Smiling will show him how much you appreciate him -- even if you're smiling for no good reason.Keep your body turned toward his. If you're sitting, cross your legs in his direction, not away from him. If you're standing, turn your shoulders toward him.

 The more you flirt with the guy, the more he'll be sure that you like him. You can start off by flirting subtly and work your way up to being more obvious. There are a variety of ways to flirt with a guy:

Speak softly when you talk to him to make him lean in to talk to you.Just playfully tap him on the arm, tease him, and build a fun and flirty rapport that shows that you're paying attention to him.Laugh. Even if he's not being as hilarious as you let on, laugh a little bit to let him now how much fun you're having when you flirt with him.Just don't overdo it. Flirting is all about subtlety.

Break the touch barrier. Once you get closer to the guy, don't be afraid to gently hit him on the arm or shoulder if he's said something funny. You can make physical contact if you're teasing each other, or even give him a big hug when you meet up, if it feels right. Breaking the touch barrier will help him see that you want to get closer to him.

Just make sure that he wants to touch you too and that you're not making him uncomfortable.If you're getting close with the guy and just came back from a run together or some other form of physical activity, offer to give him a massage. If he likes you, he'll say yes, and he'll start to see how good you can make him feel.

 It can be tricky to complement a guy without making it too obvious that you like him. You don't have to say, "Wow, you're so hot" to let a guy know that you like him through some subtle compliments. If he got a new haircut or is wearing an obviously new shirt, just tell him that he looks nice. If he's really good at a skill, whether it's math or making a great sandwich, let him know he's good at it.

You can get more personal and compliment an aspect of his personality. You can say, "You're hilarious, you know that?" Or, "You always know how to make a person feel better."

Ask if he likes anyone. This is not the most subtle way to show that you like him, but it'll do the trick. Just casually ask if he likes anyone, or even talk about what he's looking for in a girlfriend. Let him open up and see if he tells you he likes anyone or what he's looking for. Just be careful -- let him see that you're asking for your own motives, not because you want to be a great buddy and talk about his love life.  

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