10. (I Got Played?)

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"Sorry I didn't text back earlier, I was kinda busy with this meeting and all. How's your trip?" I asked.

"No, you're fine, it's going good. We all are just rehearsing right now, then we are going skiing tonight, so that'll be fun" he said.

"Yea it sounds fun, I'm so jealous" I lied. I wasn't jealous at all, I'm from Ohio. I did not miss the snow!

"You have any more plans today?" he asked. I wasn't going to tell Cameron about me playing a lead in Jack and Jack's new video just because it wasn't any of his business, right? "Melanie?" he says.

"Oh! Sorry, umm no I don't have anything else planned I don't think, right?" I said looking over at Jasmine.

"We're done for the day sweetheart" she says smiling. This was good because I haven't uploaded a YouTube video in a minute so I could record today.

"No, probably hang out with the girls" I say.

"Sounds fun! So when I get back I was thinking maybe we can try and catch Don't Breathe again?" he says.

"Yea... I'll like that" I said.

"Good, so I'll text you later?"

"Yes, bye Cameron"

"Bye Melanie" he says and we get off the phone.

"Looks like I have another date with Cameron. I wish I could do something cute like surprise him at his place or something?" I said to Jasmine.

"Why don't you?" she asked.

"I don't know where he lives"

"You serious?" she says and I look at her questionable.

"You do?"

"Yes, he just got a new place like a month ago, up in the hills. I actually dated one of his assistants before" she says. Oh did I forget to mention that Jasmine... didn't particularly have any interest in men.

"Really?" I said laughing.

"So not only can I get you his address, I can get you in his house before he comes home" she says.

"Really?" I asked.

"Well I can try but if they know why then I think they will let you" she said smiling.

"Thank you Jasmine" I said. Jasmine drops me back off at my place and called both of my parents to tell them I'm going to be in a music video. My mom gave me her typical speech about acting like a lady. My dad told me to be careful of the boys. Like I'm 19, I know this stuff already. I recorded a new story time video about the time I walked in on my roommate and decided that I'll edit and upload tomorrow. Then when it started to get late I realize no text from Cameron. By the time I heard Lynd come home it had to be pass midnight and I wasn't up for talking. She comes in, takes a shower then lays down on the other side of the bed. The following morning I woke up and took a shower but decided to stay in comfortable clothes because I wasn't go out till later for another meeting with Jasmine. My phone starts to ring and I see its Nessa calling.

"Hello?" I say.

"You up?" she ask.

"I am, Lynd is still sleep"

"Unlock your door woman, Tana and I got all of us IHop"

"Okay, see you in a little" I say and we get off the phone. We eat so terrible. I go to unlock the door then I go back to my computer and started editing my video. After about 15 minutes the girls barge in.

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