16. (Dating Cameron Dallas?)

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I stare at Cameron and he gives me such a blank look.

"Alright... so" Gilinsky says and he hugs me. HE HUGS ME! RIGHT IN FRONT OF CAMERON. "I'll text you later Melanie" he says.

"Okay...bye" I said scratching behind my ear.

"Hey Cameron" Gilinsky says and walks away. Something tells me that Jack was doing that on purpose.

"Tell Jack to come back, I miss him" Tana shouts from my living room and the girls started laughing. Cameron continues to stare at me. I felt scared. I felt nervous. The first time being caught with Gilinsky I was okay with, this time it was different. This time I felt I owe Cameron an explanation.

"I left my book bag at his house and he just came to return in" I finally manage to spit up. Cameron breaks his stare and looks down at the floor. I see he's holding a bag and eyes slowly walk up to meet mine again.

"TEAM GILINSKY" Tana shouts again and they start laughing again. I'm going to kill her. I reach out and grab Cameron's free hand and pulled him into my apartment. I shut the door and pulled him into the living room so the girls could see he was here and to shut the hell up.

"Oh shit" Lyndsey says.

"Hey guys, Cameron is here" I say staring at Tana.

"Nice to see you all again" Cameron said.

"You too. Sorry about how annoying Tana is, Jack came to see me..." Nessa starts to say and I bulge my eyes and shook my head 'no' so she would shut up. She gets the message. "Ladies, let's head back to my apartment" Nessa said. Tana, Nessa and Lyndsey all got up and walked pass us to get to the front door. Once I hear the front door close, I slowly turn around to face Cameron. I was so scared to look at him, so scared to talk to him. Why did I feel like this? Why did I feel like I cheated on a guy that I'm not even dating?

"So I didn't know you were coming" I say looking at him and dropped my eyes to the floor.

"Yea... I thought the headline thing was bothering you so I wanted to come over and make sure you were okay in person" he said and I continue to look down. "I would of came by earlier but I had some things I had to do"

"You're fine. What's in the bag?" I asked. He doesn't move or say anything and I look up to see he was staring at me.

"I got us Chick-Fil-A, and ice cream. I didn't know your favorite ice cream but I knew you were from Ohio so I got some kind of buckeye ice cream". He brings me food and I repay him by hugging Gilinsky. "I was hoping we could watch some One Tree Hill, but I think I should just go" he says setting the bag on the table.

"No, why?

"Because I think I'm getting the wrong idea"

"Cam, he just dropped off my book bag?"

"Well do you like him?" Cameron says starting to get mad. I stare at the wrinkles on his forehead and the way his lips are parted so I could see the whites of his teeth. Is Cameron Dallas... jealous?

"No, I don't like him" I wish people would stop asking me that. I don't know the guy!

"Well you both always seem to find your way to each other" I stare at Cameron and rolled my eyes. If he likes me, why won't he just tell me? Let's cut the crap and make it known.

"I can hang out with whoever I want" I say crossing my arms. Cameron smiles then shakes his head.

"You're unbelievable and I'm not going to waste my time anymore"

"What are you talking about?"

"DAMN IT MELANIE! I LIKE YOU" he yells and I stare at him. "It's obvious that I do, but you're too blind by Gilinsky to see that". He backs up from and just rubs his face. I mean from all the kissing, talking, and sleeping over I kind of knew he liked me, right? "I'm trying to make this work but it's hard because I haven't done this in a while. But why are you making it so damn difficult for me?" I look back down at the ground. Why can't I bring myself to tell Cameron that I like him? Why can't I just tell him that I want to be with him? What's holding me back? "Night Melanie" he says and i listen to his footsteps walk away from me. Melanie, hurry up! Act fast!

"Cameron...I've never dated before" I say staring at the ground "I know I'm jumping to conclusions with the whole dating thing but it feels so surreal that you like me. Out of all girls in the world you pick me and I feel like I'm going to wake up from this dream and you'll just be someone I follow on twitter" I say laughing trying to cope with my feelings. "I don't mean to make it difficult for you. Jack is just a friend, why would I like him when I...like...you". I took a breath. Did I say it? Did I really say it? I look up to see Cameron not there anymore. Great, he left. What the hell? I rolled my eyes and put my hands over my head. You get the courage to say this and he leaves. I look down at the bag he brought and ignore it. I grab my phone and went into the back to my bedroom to plug in my phone. I go into the bathroom and shut the door. I decided to take a shower and think of how I just blew my chances with Cameron Dallas. After my shower, I grab my towel and wrapped it around me and went to brush my teeth. When I was done, I open the bathroom door to see Cameron sitting on my bed, hanging his head. He slowly looks at me and I tighten my grip on my towel. I'm naked... under my towel. I have no clothes on under my towel. "You're still here" I say staring at him hoping to dear GOD my towel won't fall off for some odd reason.

"Yea" he says staring at me. Did he ever really leave? I actually never heard my front door open or close.

"Did you hear everything...I said" I asked.

"Yes" he said standing up. Cameron grabs me by waist and pulls me into him, he stares at me and bends down till we start kissing. He wraps his arm around me tighter and our lips move in a melody together. Then it hit me. I'm still in my towel. I smile and look down and he continues to hold on to me.

"Could I... get some clothes on?" I say and he laughs.

"Yea, of course, sorry" he says unlocking his hands from me and rubs the back of his neck. He turns around and walks out my bedroom, closing the door behind him. I smile and touch my lips and totally started to freak out. I grab some shorts and a t-shirt and went back into my bathroom to change. After I was done, I came out and went out to the living room and Cameron was sitting on the couch eating his Chick-Fil-A fries and texting away on his phone. I sit down on the couch with my legs crossed and he looks up at me and smiles. I bend over and grabbed my food from the bag and opened my sandwich. "I was thinking, we should try"

"Try what?" I asked stuffing a fry in my mouth.

"To date" he says and I stare at him. "I know it's so soon, but hear me out. It can be a free trial run. If it doesn't work or you actually start to hate me we can go back to being friends, what do you say?" and I smile at him.

"Yea... I'll like that" I say and he smiles and bends over to kiss me resting his hand on my bare thigh. "One Tree Hill?"

"Of course, put it on" he said moving closer to me. I turned to my Netflix and click the episode we last left off on. We ate, and Cameron continued to ask me so many questions about the show but I start to ignore him because I don't want to tell him anything. Cameron couldn't stay the night because he had to get up at 6am to be somewhere and I had a photo shoot at 10am. Around 1 am we called it a quits. I walk Cameron to the door and he holds onto my hand. "So... I'm not sure when I'll get done but text me after your photo shoot" he says opening the door.

"Okay I will" I say. He leans in again to kiss me and smiles.

"I'm so lucky" he says and I laugh. "Night Mel"

"Night Cam" I say and he leaves. I shut the door and lock it then turned around to lean up against it.

I'm dating Cameron Dallas.

I'm dating Cameron Dallas

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