34. (Gilinsky To The Rescue)

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I was super excited to see this video. I mean this was my first music video and I got to play Jack Gilinsky's girlfriend in it. After breakfast, I went to get changed and got ready to leave. I decided to take an uber because hello...parking is a bitch. I also decided to post on Instagram because I am finally happy and everything seems to be going perfect.

 I also decided to post on Instagram because I am finally happy and everything seems to be going perfect

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When my uber told me he was here, I grab my purse and went downstairs and got in the car. We drove further into West Hollywood to the studio.

"Is this fine?" the uber driver said pulling over to the side.

"Yes, perfect. Thank you" I say getting out the car. I start to walk down the sidewalk up to the studio when my phone started to ring. I look down to see it was Jasmine. Probably making sure I got here. "Hello?"

"Mel, are you there?" she asked.

"Yes, I'm outside. About to walk in" I say standing outside of the studio. The walls were glass and I see Gilinsky talking to the man upfront. He looks over at me and I smile then focus my attention to Jasmine.

"Okay good. Then tonight are you driving yourself or do I need to take you?" she said and I was completely lost.

"What's tonight?" I asked.

"Melanie, you and Madison are going out to dinner to show your fans that you don't hate each other, remember?" I actually didn't forget, I was hoping I could get out of it.

"Oh right. Yea, I'll just drive myself" I said.

"Okay. What are you going to wear?" she asked.

"Jas, I don't know but let me call you back after studio time" I laughed.

"Right. I'm sorry, I'm just so excited for you. Okay, love you, talk to you in a little, bye" Jasmine says hanging up. I laugh and put my phone in my purse. It's pretty annoying that since I work in the entertainment industry, I ALWAYS have to put on a show. Who cares if Madison Beer and I aren't friends? Apparently the world does. It's whatever, that's the price I get for working in this industry. I'm always going to have to entertain even when I don't want too.

"Melanie?" someone said and I turn around to see four teenage girls coming up to me holding 7Eleven drinks in their hands. I smile at them.

"You're Melanie Smith, right?" another one said.

"Yes" I say smiling.

"Dating Cameron Dallas?" someone else said.


"Oh my gosh! Can we get a picture?" the tallest girl said holding out her phone.

"Of course" I smiled and they got closer to me.

"We just wanted to say that we are huge Cameron Dallas's fans and not sure why he's dating you" one of the girls wearing a blue shirt said. I stare at her confused. Was that an insult?

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