47. (She's A Baldwin!)

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After I got change, I went to grab my keys and left the apartment. I went downstairs and got into my car and drove over to Cameron's house. When I get to his house, I park the car behind his and went to knock on the door. Aaron opens the door and I smile at him.

"Hey" I say stepping into the house.

"Hey" he says closing the door behind me. "Cameron's in the kitchen" he said going into the living room. I walk into the kitchen and Cameron was at the counter on his laptop. Rachel was sitting at the dining room table and the Netflix team was recording me as I walked in.

"Hey" I said and Cameron looks over at me and I smiled.

"Hey babe" he says and I walk over to him and he bends over to kiss me.

"What are you doing?" I asked putting my purse on the counter.

"Just looking at the trailer for my show, you want to see it?"

"Yes" I said. Cameron pushes the laptop near me and presses play.



"Cameron this looks so amazing, I'm happy for you" I said and he smiles.

"Thank you"

"I also wanted to tell you that... I want to go as your date to the Streamy's" I said smiling.

"What? Really?" he said.

"Yes, of course"

"Umm... no" Rachel says and we both look over at her. "You said you were going to use your invite and we already have Hailey Baldwin going with Cameron"

"What?" I said confused.

"Rachel, Mel wants to go with me now, so cancel Hailey"

"No I'm not going to cancel Hailey. She's a Baldwin!" Rachel said.

"Rachel, I'm going to go with Mel, that's the end of that" Cameron says staring at her. Rachel looks at me and shakes her head.

"Unbelievable. She's ruining your life Cameron. I'm not trying to be mean but she is" Rachel says walking out the kitchen. Cameron turns to look at me and I stare at him.

"Don't listen to her" he says

"You were going to go with Hailey Baldwin?" I asked.

"I needed a date"

"But I'm your girlfriend Cameron"

"Yes Mel, I know that. But I needed to have a date and I respected your decision to use your invite"

"But don't you think you should have talked to me about going with her?"

"Mel, it doesn't matter now, because we're going" he says resting his hand on my waist. I bite my lip and smile.

"Okay" I said and he kisses me.

"Alright, let's eat" he walks over to the table and grabs our food and we go upstairs to eat in his room. I stretch out over his bed as we watched One Tree Hill. An hour in, Cameron and I snuggled on his bed continuing to watch our favorite show. Cameron's phone vibrates on the desk and I feel him lean over to get it. He texts someone back then puts his phone in his lap.

"Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yea" he laughs and his phone vibrates again. He reads it again and starts texting back. Throughout the whole episode he's on his phone texting.

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