33. (Normal Relationship)

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When Cameron and I got to the house, Nessa and Christian were already in the living room cuddle up next to each other on the couch.

"About time" Christian said.

"Whatever" Cameron says taking off his shoes. Cameron grabs my hand and we sit down on the couch and I cuddled up next to him. We decided to watch White Chicks because that was pretty much the only movie we could agree on. Nessa and I stayed the night at the house and the following morning we all decided to go to breakfast. I wore one of Cameron's shirts and we all decided on ihop. This was nice, like all of this feels normal. I'm with my boyfriend, I'm with my best friend and she's with her boyfriend? I'm just going to call Christian her boyfriend until I really know what they are. While waiting for our food, I leaned back on Cameron resting my head on his lap.

"Aaron didn't want to come" I asked looking at Cameron.

"Nahh, I think his mom came into town and he's spending time with her" Cameron says bending to kiss me.

"You guys are too cute" Nessa says but I ignore her to stare at Cameron. Damn, everything just feels so right. I never want anything to go wrong ever again and I'm going to try to keep it that way. My phone started to ring and I looked over to see it was Gilinsky calling? I look at Cameron and he's staring at my phone. Of course, something has to happen. I sit up and grab my phone and answered it.

"Hello?" I said.

"Hey Melanie, it's Jack" he says and I laugh.

"Yea, I know, what's up?" I look at Cameron and he's staring at me.

"So, we are actually finishing the video, and wanted to invite you and Natalie to the studio to see it first"

"Oh wow! Really? I'd love too! When?" I asked.

"This Wednesday around 2pm, do you want me to pick you up?" he asked. Pick me up? I look over at Cameron and I see the server brings us our food. "You're with Cam aren't you?"

"Yea, I am. I can just take an uber, thanks thou" I said.

"That's fine! I'll text you the address"

"That's perfect, thank you Jack"

"No problem, I'll see you Wednesday"

"Okay, bye" I say and we get off the phone. Cameron continues to stare at me. "The music video is finished, so they asked Natalie and I to come see it Wednesday" I say picking up my fork and take a bite of my pancakes.

"That's fun! That video is about to be LIT" Nessa says and we laugh.

"When do you guys have each others number?" Cameron says and I look at him. He's not doing this.

"Since the video Cam" I said looking away from him.

"Do you guys text each other?" he asked. Damn, he gets so jealous so easily.

"No we don't, so stop" I said.

"When do you see the video?" Nessa asked.

"This Wednesday" I say continuing to eat.

"Don't you meet with Madison Wednesday?" Nessa asked.

"Why are you meeting with Madison?" Christian asked.

"Uhh... apparently we have some beef we need to resolve, so we're meeting with each other. Also, I'm having dinner with her so that's not till later in the day. I'm sure it'll be fine" I said. I look over at Cameron and he's drinking his orange juice staring at me. I finish my breakfast then Nessa and I wanted to head to our place to change. Cameron comes inside my apartment and I close the door. "Thank you for breakfast babe" I said looking at my phone. Nessa texted me the picture she took of Cameron and I at breakfast, of course I had to post it.

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