45. (1...4...3)

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"I'm not sure how you are going to take it. But... I'm falling in-love with you" he says and I stare at him. My heart stops and I'm not sure if I'm breathing. Did Cameron Dallas just say he's in-love with me? "I don't know the rules of when you are supposed to say it but we met each other's parents and I feel like this is the right time to say it. If you don't feel the same way, that'd blow but it doesn't change how I feel about you" he says and I smile at him.

"I love you too Cam" I slowly say fighting back tears.

"You do?" he says coming up to me and I laugh.

"Yes, you idiot" I said and he laughs and kisses my forehead. I lean my head on his chest and just thought about what just happened. We just told each other we both loved one another. But if I was being honest, I don't think we both really felt that way. In other words what is "love" supposed to feel like? Cameron goes and says night to his mom one more time then he lays down in bed next to me. Cameron runs his fingers through my hair and I close my eyes.

"Is there a reason why you deleted your photos from my phone?" Cameron says. My eyes shot open and I took a deep breath. "Do you not trust me?"

"No I do Cam. But I was stupid to let you do that. I'm not like that, I don't want you to have pictures of me like that on your phone"

"It's not like I was going to show anyone Mel. They were just for me"

"I know, but why have pictures when I'm right here" I said kissing his chest. He doesn't say anything the rest of the night. The follow morning we woke up to the smell of breakfast. I went to take a shower before Cameron then came out and changed into some jeans and a sweatshirt. I put my hair in a bun and started to pack my things back into my bag. Meeting with family was sort of a success. I guess. I look down at my phone to see Jasmine calling me. "Hello?"

"You done ignoring me?" she says.

"Sorry, I've been with Cam. He met my mom and I met his"

"How'd it go?" she asked and Cameron comes back into the bedroom.

"Umm... could of gone better"

"Your mom didn't like him, huh?"

"I don't know but she'll change her mind hopefully" I said staring at Cameron.

"Well besides Cameron who is the only thing you can talk about... guess what I have?" she asked.


"A white envelope, with your name on it... from... THE STREAMYS" she yells and I start to freak out.

"NO WAY!" I said.

"Yes, so I haven't open it yet, so tell me when you get back home"

"I will, I promise"

"It's finally here, so happy for you Mel. I'll see you when you get home, love you"

"Love you Jasmine" I said getting off the phone. I started to jump around and Cameron watches me smiling.

"What's going on?" he asked and I walk over to him.

"Guess who FINALLY got invited to the Streamy's?" I said and he smiles real big.

"Congrats babe" he says smiling at me and but I didn't feel a wide range of enjoyment from him.

"That's it? Why aren't you excited for me? It's my first year that I got my own invite"

"No I am excited for you" he says and I stare at him.

"Cam what's wrong?"

"Nothing, I actually was going to ask you if you could be my date for the Streamy's" he says staring at me and I stare at him.

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