39. (Magcon Part Three)

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The following morning, it was the day of their show. I have never been to one of these Magcon tour shows so I was excited to see what happens and what goes on. However, I was kind of scared that I'm about to be surrounded by a bunch of Cameron Dallas fans. Also, these fans fantasize about Cameron. They believe one day that they are going to date Cameron and wedding bells are going to ring. But if we were being realistic, Cameron can't date all fans, oh and he's dating me. So if they see his girlfriend there, I feel like I'd ruin the moment. So I wanted to stay lowkey. We all wake up around 9 in the morning. We all get dress after taking a shower. Cameron wore black skinny jeans and a white shirt. I wore a pair of jeans and a really nice blouse. I did my hair and make-up in kind of a rush because we had to leave for breakfast. When I was done, Cameron and I walked out the bedroom and all the guys were waiting in the living room.

"Sorry I took so long" I said to them and they turn to look at me.

"No, you're fine, Carter just got done" Matthew said and they laugh. The guys get up and we head to the door. We all take the elevator down and when we get outside there were a few fans standing there.

"Can we get a picture?" someone shouted. The guys go and take pictures with the fans and I get into the black escalade truck that was taking us to breakfast. When the guys got in, Cameron comes to sit by me in the back.

"Sorry" he said kissing my cheek.

"Stop apologizing Cam" I say looking away from him. I see two guys from the Netflix crew get into the car as well. Cameron rest his hand on my thigh squeezing it and we were on our way to breakfast. When we get there, Rachel was waiting out front. We were downtown at this restaurant that was placed outside. Cameron holds my hand as we were escorted to our table. I look down at my phone to see Gilinsky had texted me. I look over at Cameron and he was too busy laughing about something Aaron said. I look back down at my phone.

JG: Hey Mel, just wanted to know if ur okay and how r u holding up?

M: Hey Jack, I'm doing better, thank u for checking up on me

"Mel?" someone says and I look up to see Cameron and the whole table looking at me.

"What?" I said.

"What do you want to drink?" Christian asked and I look over to see waitress staring at me.

"Oh, I'm sorry orange juice will be fine please" I say smiling at the waitress. She writes it down then walks away.

"We got a sold out show tonight boys" Matthew says looking at his phone.

"Is the rest of the guys there?" Cameron asked.

"On their way" Carter says. I look back down at my phone.

JG: That's good and of course! What are you up to? Want to grab lunch?

I stare at my phone. Did Gilinsky just ask me out?

M: Cam wouldn't like that at all. Also, I'm actually in Florida, at this magcon show

JG: Oh, I'm sorry. I should have never asked that. But we're friends right?

M: You're fine and of course(:

JG: Good. I saw our music video btw

I laugh and shake my head.

M: You did!! How'd it look?

"Alright, here are your drinks. What can I get you all to eat?" the waitress asked. I put my phone down and looked at the menu. I was too busy on my phone I didn't know what I wanted. All the guys ordered then it came to me.

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