20. (Dallas vs. Gilinsky?)

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"Hey Tana" Johnson says.

"Glad ya'll can make it" Christian said in a smart tone as he still hung on Nessa and she actually didn't mind. We all laugh knowing he didn't really mean it and started to walk down the boardwalk over to the opening of Universal. Lyndsey and I started walking behind Christian and Nessa.

"Hey Melanie" someone shouts and I turn around to see Gilinsky calling me over. I turn all the way around and stop and let them catch up.

"Hey" I say moving my hair out of my face.

"Hey, this is my girlfriend Madison and Madison this is Melanie" Gilinsky said.

"The video girlfriend, right?" Madison said pointing to me and I smile.

"Basically" I laugh starting to walk beside them trying to make small talk. When we reached Universal, they took our tickets and we went in. It was already dark and we heard screaming from afar. The park was packed and there were tons of people there. I love scary movies do not get me wrong, but I get scared so easily. I just had a feeling that I might get touched or something is going to pop out on me. It's the worst feeling ever. Tana was talking to Johnson and they were laughing about something. Matthew was talking to Lyndsey and Christian was talking to Nessa and she really seemed like she was enjoying his company. We all continued to follow Carter who lead us all.

"You okay Melanie?" Gilinsky asked and I look over at him.

"Yea, I'm fine" I said fake smiling.

"Are you scared already?" Madison asked looking at me confused.

"No" I say looking at her the same way. I mean I was but I had the right to be... bitch. Carter took us all inside the American Horror Maze. We all waited in line to go in and I can't explain how scared I am. I've seen two seasons of American Horror story and the only thing I like about it was Evan Peters. I then hear Tana scream and looked over and a clown had just popped up behind her. Johnson and her started laughing and I keep my eyes on the clown making sure it's not coming up to me next.

"Melanie, we're next" Gilinsky said and I turn around to see we're going in. Oh boy! Carter was already inside the maze and Lyndsey and Nessa hugged on Matthew and Christian as they entered the maze. What the hell was this? A double date? Nessa, isn't even scared, she loves this type of shit! Me on the other hand... One of them were supposed to be with me. I would of ran up to Nessa or Lyndsey but we already made a huge gap between each other, I didn't want to walk alone so I stood by Gilinsky. All I can hear is the creepy American Horror music and people screaming. It was dark with only a few lights so we could see where we were going.

"Tickle tickle" something said and I look over to see someone in a black leather suit standing beside me. I screamed and jumped over to Gilinsky. I closed my eyes and started to squeezed whatever I was holding super tight. I continue to walk with my eyes close and finally open them when I felt safe. I look down to see I was squeezing Gilinsky's hand. Oh boy. I hurry to let go and he looks at me.

"Sorry" I say and he smiles and laughs.

"You're fine" he said putting out his hand again. He's letting me hold his right hand while Madison holds on to his left? At this moment, I wasn't thinking about hand holding, I was thinking about how I want to get out of this stupid maze. I grab his hand and we continued to move through. It was probably the longest maze I've ever been into and it was not ending. When we finally made it out, I let go of Gilinsky's hand and Carter was waiting for us with his phone in his hand. He doesn't look too impressed.

"About time" he said and we rolled out eyes.

"What's next?" Nessa asked excited. I don't think I can do another maze. Why did I agree to come?

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