49. (Let It Go)

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I stand there for a moment. I stand there in reality. I stare at Cameron smile and laugh while he sits next to Hailey. No care in the world. That's when I felt tears streaming down my face.

"Melanie Smith?" someone said and I look over to see a guy holding a camera. "Oh wow, it really is you. MELANIE SMITH" he yells taking a picture of me. A few paparazzi ran over and started taking pictures of me and I let them. I continue to look up at the screen and watch everyone enjoying the Streamy Awards. I can't believe this is happening.

"Did Cameron stand you up?"

"Why aren't you in there?"

"Why are Cameron and Hailey together?" Paparazzi shouted from all different directions. I shake my head and started to walk away from everyone back towards where the car was. When I reach the car a few papz still trailed behind and the driver got my door. I get into the car and leaned my head back.

"Where to miss?" the guy asked.

"What's your name?" I asked not looking at the driver.


"Martin... are you real? Or am I dreaming?" I asked. I hear him start the car.

"May I ask what's wrong?" I felt another tear fall and I took a deep breath.

"I made a mistake"



"Ms. Smith, you are a beautiful young lady. You shouldn't let guys get the best of you because in reality... us men need women more than you ladies need us" he says and I smile.

"Thank you Martin" I said and lean over to him. "I actually have somewhere you can take me." Martin takes me to the address I gave him. It took us a minute but we finally pulled up to Cameron's house and Martin gets my door.

"Do you need me stay?" he asked and I smile at him.

"No... but do you have a card, you know just in case I need a ride or someone to talk to?" I smiled and he smiles at me and reaches inside his jacket and hands me a card.

"Anytime" he says and I hug him. I'm hugging a complete stranger but at this moment I don't care.

"Have a good night Martin" I say walking away from him. I knew Cameron's front door was locked so I walked around towards the back. I go up to the steps and slid open the back door. I stepped inside the house closing the door behind and walked to the stairs. I made my way upstairs to Cameron's room and looked around. Do I go crazy and tear his place up? What does that solve? I mean it would make me a little happy, right? I go to sit on Cameron's bed and face the door. Nahh.... I think I'm just going to wait till he comes home.

After about three hours of waiting for Mr. Dallas I started to hear people at the front door. I look at my phone to see we are rolling up on about 11pm. My phone was being blown up. So many people were calling and texting me. Nessa, Jasmine, Mama Smith, Andrea, Tana, Lyndsey even Gilinsky. Then the last three calls were from the man himself, Cameron. I turn my ringer on and continue to look forward at his bedroom door.

"Yo! I'm serious! Someone get a hold of her!" Cameron yells and I can tell he's making his way upstairs. My phone starts to ring and I look over and I see its Cameron calling. I look up at the door and Cameron slowly comes into his room and looks at me. "Babe" he says putting his phone down and walking over to me. "Melanie, please let me explain"

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