11. (The Apology)

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Damn it Melanie! Get it together! I was laying on my floor in the living room replaying what happened and everything I heard. Maybe... I didn't hear it right? Or maybe I'm trying to make an excuse for him. I admit I fell for him too easily! I mean what did you expect? I've never had a boyfriend before. I should not assume he was so great just because he was Cameron Dallas. But isn't that the reason so many of us find him so attracting? He's charming, got the looks, got the body and we all think he is just this amazing guy? I sit up and looked over at my camera. What to do, what to do? Should I make a video explaining to all my friends on the YouTube community that I've just been played? That wouldn't be such a great image for Cameron. I mean I hate the guy but I don't want to ruin his rep. And it's his word against mine? I shake my head and look away from my camera. I hear my phone ring and I just listen to it. Knowing it's probably Cameron calling for like the 10th time. I tune out my phone and just laid there, across my floor, like I've just been murdered. Later on that night, I decided to just not tell the girls. Lyndsey and I were in my bedroom and she was sharing the news about how her Covergirl shoot went.

"It was fun, I have to go back in tomorrow morning because they want to do more shots" she said and I smile.

"That sounds so amazing Lynd. I am so happy for you" I said smiling trying to stop thinking about Cameron.

"Thank you. So enough about me, I didn't ask about how you surprising Cameron went. I want all the details bitchhh" she says sticking a piece of gum in her mouth.

"Umm...it was fun" I said and she stares at me confused.

"Fun like you guys made out in his bedroom?" she said poking at me.

"You know, Cameron's not really that type of guy I'm looking for" I say trying not to give anything away.


"Lyndsey, I don't like Cameron like that"

"Why? You were head over heels for him earlier this morning"

"Things change" I get up and went to take a shower. The best place to think is the shower and thinking is the one thing I do not want to be doing. I keep the shower short and got out. I wrapped my towel around me and open the door to see Nessa staring at me with her hand on her hip and Tana laid across my bed.

"What the hell happened today?" Nessa says. I looked over at Lyndsey and she smiles at me.

"You were acting strange so I called them over" Lyndsey says wrapping her hair.

"Did he make you mad?" Nessa asked.

"Want me to go and chop off his balls?" Tana said and we couldn't help but laugh. They are my girls, I can tell them.

"Okay... if I tell you guys, I don't want sympathy. I don't want any crying or any I'm sorry, got it?" I said and they shake their head and I take a take breath. "Cameron set me up on our date. All those things that went wrong, him and his crew planned it. I overheard them say it and yea. That's that" I say walking over to the dresser to grab a clean pair of shorts and t-shirt.

"He played you?" Nessa said and I look at her and they all stare at me like I'm the most fragile person ever.

"Pretty much" I said trying to laugh.

"What'd you do after you found out?" Lyndsey asked.

"I just left" I say thinking about was there anything else I should of done? I see Tana get up and starts looking around my room and we stare at her. "Tana, what are you doing?"

"Looking for Cameron's balls you cut off because I know your ass did not just leave without cussing his ass out" Tana says and we couldn't help but laugh.

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