32. (Not Going Anywhere)

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On Sunday, it was the day all the guys were coming back home. I continue to blow Cameron's phone up but he still didn't respond. Nessa and I stayed at the house waiting till one of the guys texted us they were home. Around 6pm, I finally got something.

C: Come over

I read the text message and my heart started racing. "Come over" that's all he can say. I mean it is something but why do I feel like I'm about to get yelled at? I go and change into a tank-top and jacket, with my blue jeans. I come out to the living room and Nessa was sitting on the couch.

"They're back" she says looking at me.

"Yea... I know. He wants me to come over" and I stare at her.

"I'll take you, I'm going to pick up Christian" she says standing up. Nessa grabs her keys and we left my apartment and went downstairs to her car. As we're driving to Cameron's house I was biting my thumb nail. Nervous as hell. "You guys are talking about it Melanie and that's all that matters" she says.

"I know, let's hope he forgives me" I say. When we reach Cameron's house, I say bye to Nessa and got out the car. I walk to the front door and knocked. After a minute Christian answers and looks at me. "Hey" I say.

"Umm... yea hi. He's in the living room" Christian said walking pass me. I watch him walk to the car then I turn around and walk in then closed the door. I slowly hear the TV on in the living room and I make my way over there. I get to the living room and looked inside to see Cameron sitting on the couch shaking his foot while on his phone. He was leaning forward and his eyes were seriously glued to the phone.

"Cam?" I say quietly. Cameron slowly looks at me. He stares at me then turns to his phone and clenches his jaw. I put my purse down on the table and moved my hair out of my face. Is he going to say anything? Should I say something? "So... I just wanted to tell you that it was a dare--" I start to say before he cuts me off.

"I get it. You told me a thousand times it was a dare" he says angry and looks at me. "Are you guys like ten years old? Truth or dare Mel, really?" he says.

"I know! It was dumb Cameron" I said.

"Then why'd you do it?"

"I don't know... I didn't want to but then I was like it's a harmless game, we were out at the club and I'm sorry"

"So instead of saying no I'm not going to do it, you went a long and broke up with me?"

"I didn't want to but if I didn't I would have to go streaking"

"You wouldn't have to do shit. You could of just...said...no" he says standing up.

"I did... but they had something... over me" I slowly say and I stare at him.

"They had something over you?" he says walking closer to me. "Like what? Maybe something... like a video of you dancing with another guy?" Cameron says and I stared at him in surprised. Cameron plays something on his phone then shows me and I watched myself dancing with the guy at the club. Those bitches sent him the video. My eyes slowly walk up to Cameron. So I do the dare and they still send the video?

"Cameron... I am so sorry" I said when a tear drops.

"Why the hell is his hands all over you? Why are you dancing with him? Why did someone record you?" he says staring at me. At this point I don't know what to do but apologize.

"Cam, I'm sorry. I was being dumb and it was dumb and I am so sorry! I should of listened to you about Andrea" I said and he shakes his head and lets out a breath.

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