24. (Mel vs. Madison)

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Later on that morning, I woke up a little after 10am and Cameron was up moving around. He was at the end of the bed shirtless putting on his socks.

"Morning" I say sitting up in bed. He glances back at me and smiles.

"Morning" he says focusing his attention back on his socks. "So I'm about to be late, but I will see you later" he said picking up his shoes.

"Alright, have a good day" I say and he bends over to me and kisses me.

"You too" he said and I smile. Cameron leaves shutting the door behind him. I get up and walk over to the bathroom to pee. I just slept with Cameron Dallas.......again. I wanted to go and wake the girls up so we could eat and get our costumes ready. I open the door and walk out to see Nessa holding onto her sweatshirt and heading downstairs.

"Umm..." I say and she hurries to look at me.

"Melanie... hey" she says smiling.

"Are you coming from Christian's room?" I asked and she looks back at the door down the hall than back to me.

"Mel..." she starts to say and I laugh.

"I don't want to know" I say heading downstairs to the living room. I see Aaron and Matthew passed out on the couch. "Hey, where's Lyndsey and Tana?" I asked.

"I let them sleep in my room" Aaron says without lifting his head from the pillow. Nessa and I turn around and run back upstairs to wake the girls up. We all decided to go to IHop for breakfast. When we got back to Cameron's, we all were in Cameron's room getting our costumes ready for tonight. The girls and I decided to go as Disney Princesses,basic right? Tell me about it. I'm going to be Pocahontas, Nessa going to be Jasmine, Tana going to be Elsa and Lyndsey going to be Tiana. I was excited for this Halloween party tonight because it'll be my first time partying with huge YouTubers.

 I was excited for this Halloween party tonight because it'll be my first time partying with huge YouTubers

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After Lyndsey got done doing all of our make-up, we went downstairs and all the guys were in the kitchen. It was rolling around 9pm and we were waiting for Cameron to get back. The guys just had ripped up clothing and red paint splatter on themselves.

"What are you guys?" Lyndsey asked.

"Zombies, duhh" Matthew said in a stuck-up girl tone and we laugh.

"What are you guys supposed to be?" Carter asked us. I roll my eyes and everyone else started laughing. We waited around for about ten more minutes when we heard the front door open. I was sitting at the dining table with Aaron when Cameron walks into the kitchen with Rachel and the Netflix crew behind him. "About damn time" Carter says.

"Yea, yea, yea, whatever. Let me go...change I guess. What are we?" Cameron said looking at the guys.

"We're zombies" Christian says.

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