41. (Mel vs. Mads Round Two)

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How do you answer that? Did I like kissing Gilinsky? I mean it wasn't bad but that's not what Cameron wanted to hear. Cameron stares at me waiting for an answer.

"Cameron why can't you let it go?"

"I was just asking a question"

"No, you want to start an argument with me"

"No, I'm not"

"Yes you are and I'm tired! I'm tired of it! If you are so worried, than break up with me" I said turning over. I didn't mean it of course. I didn't want him to break up with me. I was so tired of this Gilinsky talk. I was tired of feeling like Cameron thinks I'm going to leave him for Gilinsky. I was tired of Cameron comparing me to Madison Beer. I hear the shower start and I look over to see that Cameron was in the bathroom now. Maybe he went to think about it? Me and Cameron broken up? I shake the thought out of my head and listen to the shower run and the guys in the living room yelling. When Cameron comes out the bathroom, I make no eye contact with him. Cameron gets into the bed and I can hear him checking his phone.

"Mel, turn around and look at me" Cameron says, I took a deep breath and turned to face him. "Don't you ever... talk about us breaking up, you got it?" I just stare at him. He leans over to put his phone on the charger then moves closer to me. He bends over to me resting his lips on mine. He pulls me closer and leans his head on mine. "You're all mine" he says. I smile but I know he couldn't see it and we went to sleep. The following morning, we all had to be up at 5am to make it to the airport. I took a quick shower and grabbed some leggings out of my bag and one of Cameron's sweatshirts. I put my hair in a ponytail and followed Cameron out of our room. Rachel met us downstairs at the car and we all got in and drove to the airport. I was excited to be going home, but I was excited that I came to be with Cameron. When we got to the airport, we had time to eat a quick breakfast then made our way to the terminal. We boarded the plane and were off to Cali. When we reached LAX, Nessa was there waiting for me... or should I say Christian. Her and Christian hugged each other and he gave her a huge kiss. I smile at the sight of them and went over to her.

"Hi" I said and she laughs and hugs me.

"So happy to see you, never leave like this again" Nessa says staring at me.

"I promise I won't" I say and I look over to see Cameron putting my stuff in Nessa's car.

"Cameron hurry up" Rachel says waiting at another car. Cameron looks at her then over at me.

"Do you ever stop working?" I asked.

"Apparently not" he says standing in front of me. He grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him. "So tomorrow we go to your moms, right?"

"Yea, just be at my place around noon" I smiled at him.

"I will. I'll text you tonight babe" he says kissing me.

"Bye Cam" I said opening the door to Nessa's car and got in. I look out the window and Nessa and Christian continued to talk then they kissed and Nessa gets into the car. I can't wait till Christian ask Nessa out officially.

"So how was your getaway?" she asked and I explained everything from the nightmare to me about to beat someone's ass. When we reach the apartment, Nessa follows me into my room. I go and take a shower and decided to lay down for a few hours. I was awaken by my phone ringing. I look at it to see it was Jasmine.

"Hello?" I answered.

"Open the door, I'm on my way up" Jasmine says and hangs up. I close my eyes for a couple more seconds before I dragged myself out of bed to unlock the door. That's when I notice Nessa wasn't in the room anymore. I unlock the door then I walked away slowly, scared someone who's not Jasmine will come in. But if someone happen to come in, I wouldn't care at this moment because I am too tired. I go sit on the couch and waited for Jasmine to come in. "You happy you home kiddo?" Jasmine shouts as she walks up the hallway.

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