15. (The Quiz, Book-Bag and Mistake)

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I put my phone down and went to go change into something comfy. I got back on my phone tweeting people back and getting caught up in the social media world. Because being someone who's making a career out of social media, I should really keep up with it. Then a text message popped up. Cameron.

C: Heard about the article, u okay?

M: Yea, it's...fine I guess.

C: If u need anything please let me know(:

M: Thank u Cam, means a lot(:

"Open the door you hoe" someone shouts from my door. I know it's someone I know and I don't find it funny they are calling me a hoe because the world already thinks I'm a hoe. I go to the door and open it and Jasmine and Nessa come in.

"How you feeling boo?" Jasmine asked staring at me.

"I mean the first time I get a headline it's because the world think I'm screwing two different guys but I'm good" I said in a joking matter and they both stare at me. "Guys I'm fine" I said walking back over to my phone

"You sure?" Nessa asked.

"Yea... I mean it's TMZ so I don't care" I say going back to Gilinsky's DM. I decided to go ahead and text him.

M: Hey Jack, it's Melanie, could you stop by later today?

"Okay good. Glad you feel good! How was the video?" Jasmine asked and I told them about everything that happened down to me staying at Cameron's house and meeting his horrible manager. "Yea, she's a huge bitch. She manages most of the Magcon boys" Jasmine said and I check my phone.

J: Sounds great! Text me your address and I'll be over there about 9pm

I sent Jack my address and smiled.

"Cameron got you all smiling" Nessa said and I look at her and she smirks at me.

"Since we are talking about Cameron, what do we call you guys?" Jasmine asked.

"What?" I say confused.

"Their obviously a couple Jas" Nessa adds.

"No, we're not"

"You go on a dates, you kiss, you sleep in the same bed. OH! And you listen to Justin Bieber together? Yea... you are dating" Nessa said and I couldn't help but laugh.

"I don't even think I like him like that" I said. I was so lying to myself.

"Calling bullshit" Nessa adds on.

"Well..." Jasmine said standing up. "You have a photoshoot tomorrow Melanie so I will be by to pick you up around 10 in the morning" she walks to the door. "Call me if you want to talk about how you apparently do not like Cameron Dallas" she says and leaves. I roll my eyes and lean my head back.

"I'm on askclairecasey.com and we're going to find out if you and Cameron are basically dating" Nessa says looking at me and I roll my eyes. "Seven good clues he really is your boyfriend, first, how do you introduce him?"

"This is Cameron" I said looking at her and she stares at me.

"Okay, let's move on. Have you guys introduced each other to important people in your life. I'll answer that, YES! Cameron met your friends and you met his friend, Netflix team and his wicked manager, which we should really come up with a mean name to call her" Nessa adds and I laugh.

"Important others? I think they mean like parents"

"Shut up Mel. Okay, is he regularly making you his priority in his life? I'll answer that. YES! He took you on 3 dates, one of course, blew. He came to see you when you were mad at him. And he also showed up to a party hosted by a guy who is dating the girl he use to like"

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