19. (Who really is Cameron Dallas?)

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"Damn, she's beautiful" I say staring at these pictures on my laptop.

"You're beautiful" Tana says and I ignore her to stare at more pictures of Andrea.

"Okay, you're done" Nessa said closing my laptop.

"Madison Beer, Andrea Russet, who's next Kylie Jenner? Guys, I can't compete with these girls"

"You don't have to Mel. You are the one who is dating Cameron, not them" Lyndsey says.

"Anyways Kylie Jenner doesn't date white guys" Tana said. Nessa and Lyndsey started laughing and I shake my head.

"I'm going to bed" I say getting up and heading to the bathroom to take a shower. After I was done, I changed into my pj's, then came out and got in bed. It sounded like Lyndsey was the only one in the living room talking on her phone. I grab my phone and saw Cameron texted.

C: I'm coming by tomorrow morning to take u out for breakfast. Let's say 10? Night Mel, sweet dreams beautiful.

I smile at the message.

M: Sounds like a plan, see you tomorrow, night Cam!

I plug my phone in and called it a night. The following morning I woke up and got ready. I did my hair and make-up then by the time I was done, 10am rolled around. Cameron texted me he was here and I left and went downstairs. When I get outside I see him in his car waving me down.

 When I get outside I see him in his car waving me down

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I smile and jog over to him and got in on the passenger's side.

"Morning" he said leaning over and kissing me.

"Morning" I say putting my seat belt on. "Where we going?"

"I was thinking like Denny's? Is that okay?"

"Yes, let's go" I say texting the girls I'll be back home in a little. They wanted to do some Halloween shopping for this weekend. Cameron plays Drake and I stare at him as he drives. Boy oh boy, do we have some shit to talk about. When we go to Denny's, Cameron grabs my hand and we head inside. We ended up getting a booth and he sat across from me and we ordered our drinks. Cameron was on his phone texting away.

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