26. (Makeup or Breakup?)

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I swear... if Cameron left with Madison.

"Jack?" someone says and we turn to see Madison coming from around the corner. Jack walks pass me up to her.

"Where were you?" Jack answers.

"And where's Cameron?" I asked irritated.

"We were just talking, he went back inside" Madison says looking at me. I have to cuss her out, right? Like... I need to cuss her out. I stare at her and laugh.

"If you could stay away from my boyfriend, I would really appreciate it" I say staring at her. She smirks at me and I walk away from her back inside the party, and from a distance I could hear Jack and Madison arguing. When I get inside the party, I thought to myself. What are you going to do Mel? Go cuss Cameron out? Like, seriously, what are you going to do? What is it about Madison? What is it about Cameron?

"You okay?" someone says and I see Nessa.

"Melanie" someone says and I look over to see the man himself. What are you going to do Mel? Confront him? Yell at him? I stare at him and laugh.

"I need a drink or two" I say walking away from him to the kitchen. I get into the kitchen and grabbed me a beer. I was chatting with Tana and she was already really wasted. Tana seems so care-free, she's happy, she's laughing, she is not thinking about anything else except how much fun she's having right now. I want to get on Tana's level. As the night went on, the more drinks I had. The more drinks I had the more my words started to slur. I go to grab another drink when it was pulled out of my hand. I look over to see Cameron.

"You should slow down" he says. He looks very sober and a little blurry to me.

"I don't need you to tell me what to do" I say grabbing another beer and walking away from him. Nessa was leaning against Christian when I approached her. I kind of fell against her. "Can you come to the bathroom, I need to pee" I shout to her.

"Yea, let's go" Nessa said she leans over to say something to Christian then she grabs my arm. She pulls me along and we head upstairs. She was going up the stairs so fast, I felt like I was floating. When we get to the bathroom, Nessa throws me in and shuts the door.

"Ow" I say laughing rubbing my arm. I walk over to the toilet and lifted my dress up and pulled down my panties and started to pee, doing this all as I hold my beer.

"We're going to leave after this" Nessa says and I look over at her.

"What? No. It's like 10pm and this is like the best party I've even been to" I say smiling at her.

"Melanie, it's pass midnight and drinking yourself so you don't have to think is pointless. You are still going to have to deal with Cameron" she says. I get done peeing, wipe then got up and flushed. I pull my panties up and my dress down and went to wash my hands.

"You're right, but just one more drink" I say laughing and grabbing my beer from the counter.

"Mel" Nessa says and I open the bathroom door and walk out. I carefully walk down the stairs back to the party when I see Christian and Carter going out the front. I turn to walk into the living room when someone picks me up off the ground. I look to see Cameron is carrying me outside.

"PUT ME DOWN" I shout and he ignores me. Nessa comes outside and Aaron follows behind her. I guess we are leaving. "Let me walk" I say when the beer was snatched out of my hand. "Hey" I said bending my head back to see Nessa grabbed it and threw it on the ground infront of Andrea's house. "Nessa, you're littering" I said and I couldn't help but to laugh. Cameron puts me in the car and gets in behind me then shuts the door. Lyndsey was already in the car and she looked like she was passed out. I look ahead to see Nessa getting in the other car. I took a deep breath and leaned my head back. Melanie, why did you drink so much? I fell asleep the whole car ride back to Cameron's and when I woke up I felt a little more myself.

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