43. (Meet Mama Smith)

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"OH MY GOD!" I say covering my mouth. Cameron hurries to turn around.

"What? What's wrong?" and I just stare at him. "Mel what's wrong?"

"Did I... did I do that to your back?" I asked staring at him. He laughs and shakes his head and goes back to the water. "I am so sorry"

"Mel stop" Cameron laughs. "It's fine"

"How can you say that? I scratch the shit out of your back!" He continues to laugh and walks over to me.

"I take it as a compliment" he bends over to kiss me and smiles. "Hurry and take a shower, we're already running late" he says walking out of the bathroom shutting the door behind. I shake my head at disbelief what I did to his back. I slowly slide off the counter hoping my body won't fall apart. After my shower, I wrapped myself in my towel and opened the door. Cameron had about 2 bags packed and he was sitting on his bed going through his phone. He was already dress wearing black joggers with a Yeezy shirt. He looks up at me as I walk over to my bag and pulled out some compression shorts, sweat pants and my Chris Brown shirt. "You should text your mom and tell her we're running a little late" Cameron says.

"Okay, I will" I said sliding on my under garments. I unwrap the towel from me and started to get dress and Cameron watches me.

"What do you want for breakfast?" he asked and I text my mom we're running a little late.

"Uhh..." I look over at my phones time to see its 12:40pm. "You mean lunch?" I joke and he smiles. "I don't know, we can grab like Chick-Fil-A on the way out?"

"Mel... it's Sunday" he laughs. Ugh!

"Damn! I don't care let's just stop by In-N-Out" I said putting my shirt on. I go into the bathroom, doing my make-up and hair. I stare at my necklace that Cam gave me that I never take off and smile at it. Ugh... what is this feeling inside? I leave the bathroom and we go downstairs and out the door. I go to my car to grab the rest of my bags and stuff them in Cameron's car. We both get in, stop at In-N-Out and got on the road to Palm Springs. My mom moved to Palm Springs because not only did she love it, but she enjoyed working at the hospital as a nurse there. On the way there, the radio was playing top hits and Cameron sings along to every one of them. I stare at him and smile. He goes to the radio and turns it down.

"We need nicknames for each other" he says.

"We have some. Mel and Cam"

"No, I mean names only we can call each other"

"Like what?"

"Like... I can be... umm... daddy Dallas" he jokes and I laugh.

"Daddy Dallas?"

"See when you say it, it's sexy" I roll my eyes and laugh. "Daddy Dallas and Mama Mel" he says laughing and I couldn't help but to laugh. "Agree?"

"Whatever... daddy Dallas" I said and he continues to laugh and I stare at him. "You're not nervous to meet my mom?" I asked staring at him. He looks over at then back to the road.

"Should I be?" he asked and I don't say anything. "Are you nervous?" he says resting his hand on my thigh.

"I've never brought a guy home. And my mom can be... a little intimidating"

"Don't worry about it Mel. She's going to love me" he says turning up the radio and resting his hand back on my thigh. If you say so Cameron, I thought to myself. After an hour in a half past, we pull up to my mom's house. I take a deep breath as we get out the car. Cameron comes around to grab my hand and we walk up to the door. I use my key and open the door and I was hit with the smell of food. "Smells amazing" Cameron says.

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