44. (Cam's Fam.)

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I shake my head and get up to go back inside. I go sit in the living room flipping through channels, waiting for my mom to come home. After over a half an hour, I hear the front door open. I look over at her and she was coming in the house. "Hey honey" my mom says closing the front door. "That Mrs. Henderson, can talk and talk and talk. Her daughter is having a graduation party at her house next weekend" my mom says looking at me. I turn to look back at the TV. "What's wrong with you?" my mom walks around to the living room and I cut off the TV.

"Mom... you came at Cameron's neck earlier" and she shakes her head.

"You brought him here so I can meet him right?"


"I want to get to know the guy that's dating my daughter. Not get to know Cameron Dallas the super star" she says putting her hands on hips.

"Mom, you made him feel like shit" I said.

"Is Mr. Super Star pouting?" my mom joked then walked out of the living and I followed her.

"Mommy, I really like him" I said staring at her.

"Yes, I know. A girl who doesn't care if her boyfriend doesn't know her life? You either have to be whipped or stupid" she says and I shake my head. "Next thing you know, he got you posing for nudes" she says and I stare at her. Like damn, he actually did that. "Cameron's a nice boy honey, he really is. And of course you fell so hard for him because he's your first boyfriend. But I know my daughter and this won't last" she says as she cleans the dishes. I bite my lip and leaned on the counter. Why does everyone think I whipped? I'm not whipped. I stayed upstairs with my mom for basically the whole day. When it was around 9pm, I go downstairs and Cameron was on the floor leaning on my bed on the phone.

"Alright, yea, I'll see you tomorrow mom" he says. I make my presence known and he turns around. "Bye love you too" he puts his phone down from his face and throws it on the bed.

"I thought you would at least come upstairs sometime today"

"I'm sorry, your mom just doesn't like me and I didn't want to make matters worse"

"I think you staying down here the whole day when you are supposed to be getting to know her did make it worse" I said staring at him.

"I can't do anything right" I just stare at him and crossed my arms. "I'm going to go take a shower" he says walking away from me going into the bathroom. I hear him close the door and I plop down on my bed. I look over at his phone then over at the bathroom door. I grab Cameron's phone and it was unlock. I click on his pictures and saw the last few were of me last night. Why did he take these? Why did I let him? I would have never done this! We were drink that night. I bite my lip and shake my head. Damn it Mel, you are whipped. I go and delete the photos then deleted them again in his delete folder. I put his phone back down and waited till he got out the shower. After a few minutes he walks out not making eye contact with me then he sits down on my bed. We didn't exchange many words the rest of the night and ended up following asleep. The following morning I can tell Cameron was ready to go because I've never seen someone put bags in a car as fast as him.

"Alright mom, I'll just talk to you later" I said hugging her.

"Alright honey" she said hugging me.

"It was nice meeting you Karen" Cameron said putting out his hand and she shakes it.

"You too Cameron. And I want to apologize if I came off too hard"

"It's fine. But I just wanted to let you know that I will take care of your daughter and next time you see me, I will redeem myself" he says and she smiles.

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