42. (I Trust You)

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I sat in bed watching 'How to Get Away with Murder' snacking on some salt'n'vinegar chips. Nessa has texted me a few times but I didn't text her back. She was with Christian they wanted to be alone, I get that. Then Jasmine continued to blow me up, but I wasn't in the mood to talk about Madison Beer. I decided to text my mom.

M: Hey mom

Mom: Hi Mel, what are you doing?

M: Just relaxing. U?

Mom: Just got back from the grocery store

M: Yum, Cameron and I will be by around one

Mom: Can't wait. Do you want me to cook something special?

M: Nahh, anything will be fine. Remember we are staying the night

Mom: Okay, I'll make something and yes I know. I'll see you tomorrow Mel

M: Okay, love you, see you tomorrow

I put my phone down and continued to watch my show. That's when my phone lights up and I glanced down to see Cameron sent me a snapchat. I smile at the thought of Cameron and opened it.

 I smile at the thought of Cameron and opened it

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M: You done for the day?

C: Yes ma'm and I want to see u

M: You saw me earlier

C: I can't get enough of you(;

M: Lol, I thought you were coming over to my place tom.?

C: Mel can you just get your ass over here, and bring all your stuff

M: Whatever

I turn off my TV and went to grab my duffel bag. I took out thinks I wasn't going to take to my mom and Cameron's moms house. I went to my closet to pack all new clothes. Once, I was done packing, I went to grab my keys and left the room. I took the elevator down and walked to my car and drove to Cameron's house. I'm a lucky girl getting to spend night after night with Cameron. When I pull up to his house, I get out the car and only grab one bag that'll I need for the morning. I walk up and knocked on his door and it wasn't long for him to answer. He was still shirtless and smiles when he sees me.

"Hi babe" he said grabbing my waist and pulling me into him. He holds his lips close to mine and I couldn't do anything but laugh.

"Where are the guys?" I say stepping into the house. The lights were dark and the house smelled of food.

"They aren't here" Cameron says and I turn to look at him. "Come" he says taking my bag and pulling me along to the kitchen. There was food cooked on the stove and a table set and I stand still looking at everything.

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