38. (Magcon Part Two)

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I grab my phone and looked for the closest store  and found a CVS. That's going to have to do. I go and look through  Cameron's bag and grabbed some sweats. I throw it on, put my hair in a  bun and put a hat on. I grabbed my sunglasses and my purse then walked  out the bedroom to see it was empty. Cameron left a key card on the  counter and I go to pick it up and leave the room. I look down to call  Nessa as I take the elevator down, she answers in a hurry.

"Mel!" she says.


"Why did it take hours for you to respond?"

"Sorry...  after the plane ride, I was exhausted and took a nap" I say walking out  the lobby. I really hope no one recognizes me. I glance down at my  phone's map and took a left and started walking down the sidewalk.

"Are you okay? What are you doing?" Nessa asked.

"Yes,  I'm fine and please tell Jasmine I'm fine. Anyways, I'm heading to the  store right now, but just wanted to tell you I'm fine. I'll be back  Saturday and I love you"

"Ugh... Mel, I hate you're so far away"

"I know but I'll be back soon"

"Fine...well love you and call me when you need me"

"I  will, talk to you later" I say and we get off the phone. I walk down  the street a little longer until I reach CVS. I go in and headed to the  kids section. I look down the aisles to find water guns. I bought six of  the super soaker water guns which were very cheap. I carried all six  boxes back to the hotel, up to the room without getting noticed. After I  reach the room, I called room service and ordered a boring meal of  chicken tenders and mashed potatoes. I changed into shorts and a t-shirt. I  unbox the water guns, filled them up, and placed them on the dining room  table. I really like Cameron and I don't want his friends to hate me. I  don't want his friends to think I'm boring, I want to be that fun  girlfriend that Cameron's friends can just be themselves around. A water  fight is happening tonight and I'm excited. When room service comes, I  sit in the living eating my food waiting for the guys to come home.  After about an hour, I hear them outside the door.

"She's  probably sleep so please be quiet when we go in" I hear Cameron say. I  laugh and grab one of the water guns and waited for them to open the  door. Carter comes in first and makes eye contact with me.

"Or she's awake and holding a water gun" Carter said and all the guys come in and the door closes behind Christian.

"Babe... what are you doing?" Cameron said walking up to me and I position my water gun at him and squirted him on the chest.

"I  have five more water guns. I say let's have a little fun tonight,  don't you guys agree?" I say spraying Cameron again. All the guys stare  at me like this was some kind of a joke. I spray Cameron in his face  and he laughs then smiles at me. "Are you guys scared?"

"We just don't want to hurt you" Matthew says. I position my gun to him and sprayed his pants.

"Bring  it piss boy" I say laughing and running to the other side of the room. The guys  run to the table to grab a gun and started spraying each other. Aaron  starts spraying me and I scream on how cold it was. I run down the hall  and hid behind a door.

"Ohhh Melanie" someone  says and I peek through the crack to see Matthew coming up the hall. I  stare at him as he slowly checks in different rooms. Then someone grabs  my arm and pulls me out and I fall to the ground.

"GOT HER!" Cameron says and all the guys came running in and spraying me and I couldn't do anything but laugh and scream.

"Ow, ow, ow" I say and they stop spraying me.

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