35. (Paranoid AF!)

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Jack and I stay in the living room and I turned on the TV and we were watching some Saved by the Bell re-runs.

"You okay? Do you need anything?" Jack says and I looked over at him.

"I'm fine, thank you" I said smiling at him then looked back over the TV. I stare at the screen but from the corner of my eye I see Gilinsky continuing to stare at me.

"I'M BACK" Nessa shouts from the door. I get up and went to look through the peek-hole (just in-case) then opened the door. "I got pizza, sweet tea, chips and your favorite sugar cookies" Nessa says bring everything in and going to my kitchen. I follow her to the kitchen and she sets everything down. "Gilinsky, you're staying right?" Nessa asked and I look over at him.

"Uhh..." he starts to say.

"Of course you are" Nessa interrupts him. I smile at him and went to get me something to eat and sat back on the couch. "Tana and Lynd want you to call them"

"I don't really want to talk to anyone, not even my parents" I said popping a chip in my mouth. Gilinsky doesn't say anything while he eats his food. I turn on Netflix and put on Scooby-Doo, something that'll make me laugh.

"What did Cam say?" Nessa asked getting up and going to the kitchen.

"He's just checking up on me, I told him I'll call him later" I said thinking about Cameron. I wish he was actually here. I wish I could just crawl into his arms and he holds me close to his chest.

"Your phone is blowing up girl" Nessa says and I look over at her and she was looking through my phone.

"MELANIE" someone shouts and I immediately look over to the hallway. My heart started to race and that's when I heard my front door open. I FORGOT TO LOCK MY DOOR AGAIN! I squeeze whatever I was holding in my hand and stared at the hallway. What's it going to be? A crazy Cameron Dallas fan coming to kill me? Jasmine emerges from around the corner and my chest falls flat as I breathe. "Awhh Mel!" Jasmine says staring at me in an 'I'm so sorry' kind of way.

"Can someone please lock the door" I said in a shaky voice. Why am I about to cry?

"I got it Mel" Nessa says running to the front. I look down at my hand to see I was squeezing the shit out of Gilinsky's hand.

"Oh, I'm sorry...again" I said letting go of his hand.

"You're fine Melanie" he says staring at me. I bite my lip and look over at Jasmine who was still staring at me. Or she was staring at Jack, I wasn't sure.

"Mel, did you make a police report?" she asked.


"Well why not?"

"Because, what's the good of that? They will take the report then what? Nothing." I said shaking my head.

"How about who posted the video? Their twitter name thing or whatever" Jasmine says.

"Can't. They sent it in to TMZ and they posted it" Gilinsky says. Jasmine rubs her head and closes her eyes.

"I can't believe this happened" she says.

"Well believe it" I said continuing to eat. We all just sit in my living room with the TV on but I'm pretty sure no one was really watching it. After some time pass Gilinsky gets up.

"I should go" he says looking at me.

"Oh... okay. I'll walk you out" I said standing up.

"See you later Jack" Nessa says.

"Bye, and thanks for food or dinner" he joked.

"Dinner? Oh shit! I forgot to tell Madison's people you aren't coming" Jasmine said getting on her phone.

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