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I look over at Nessa confused as hell. Like why is this happening? I've never talked to Eva until now. Why is she being so mean to me?

"Hello? Times a tickin" Eva laughs and Teala joins in.

"Can you just please delete the video?" I asked hoping that she would change her mind.

"No. It's a game Melanie, we're just having fun" she says staring at me. How the hell is this fun?

"Mel, she's a bitch, you're going to have to do something" Nessa says and I leaned my head back. Is this happening? I shake my head and go through the options. Break-up with him, go streaking, or have her send the video. Streaking at the club? People do crazy things when their drunk right? But damn 21st century and I know if I leave this club butt ass naked, I'll see it online in less than five minutes. Okay, so if I break up with Cam, what really would happen?

"Hellooo" Teala says.

"I'M THINKING" I shout and they all stare at me. I take a deep breath, okay where was I? Okay breaking up with Cameron, but only till midnight. That's not so bad, right? Who am I kidding? I shouldn't play with him like that. Then the video. Okay if she sends the video to him, I can hurry and text and tell him it was a prank. Of course he'll be mad but he would get over it. But if she post that video on twitter... not only would I be embarrassed, I'll be frowned upon and I would be embarrassing Cameron. DAMN IT! "You'll delete the video after I choose one, right?" I asked.

"Yes" Eva says smiling. I'm not going to hurt Cameron, I'm going to have to embarrass myself. I get up from the table and step away from my chair. "Oh shit, you're going to streak" Eva laughs.

"Not uh leave your phone, we don't want you calling Cam" Teala said. I roll my eyes and throw my phone on the table. I walk to the bathroom and went to the counter. I can't believe I'm about to do this? Sorry mom, sorry dad.

"Mel, I don't think you should do it" someone says and I look over and see Nessa.

"I don't have a choice, she's going to send the video to Cameron, and that guy had his hands all over me" I say looking at her.

"But streaking are you serious? You can get in huge trouble for that! Also, Cameron wouldn't want you to embarrass yourself like that. Think of your reputation or what your parents would say"

"I don't have another choice Nessa!" I shout.

"You do... choice one..." and I stare at her.

"Are you serious?" I say staring at her nuts. "You want me to break up with Cam?"

"Just for the night! Three hours until midnight, and tell him it's a prank"

"Nessa I can't..."

"Mel, you guys are kind of already in a fight, so it'll be okay, you know?"

"I can't believe this" I said shaking my head and staring at myself in the mirror.

"It's only three hours" Nessa repeats. I look over at her and bit my lip. I leave the bathroom and Nessa follows behind me and we go back to the table.

"Unbelievable. I'm sending this video" Eva says.

"No I decided to break up with him, until the end of the night" I say picking up my phone.

"Damn girl" Teala says. I walk away from the table and all the girls follow me outside. "Put it on speaker" Teala says excited and I just stare at her. I call Cameron and he picks up on the 3rd ring.

"Mel?" he says. Don't cry Mel, don't cry.

"Cam, we need to talk" I say.

"Yea, we do. Listen, maybe I overreacted with you hanging out with Andrea and I want to apologize. So I'm sorry" he says. Damn, he just made it a lot harder. I look over at Nessa and she stares at me. Then I felt a tear dropped.

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