40. (All Weekend Long)

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I hear Rachel calling out my name as I approach Cameron and this bitch. I was taken aback once I saw all the fans staring at me. What are you going to Mel? Beat her ass infront of everyone? Maybe cuss her out? Abort, abort, abort! I can't, I'm already out too far. Cameron looks over at me and I slow down as I approach them. I hear some of Cameron's fans call my name and I wave at some of them. Well... I mean I'm out this far, I might as well pounce on her then smack her around a little, am I right?


The girl turns around and looks at me and all I can do is smile at her.

"Hey Mel" Cameron says staring at me.

"Hi Melanie" the girl said.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt" I said and they stare at me for an explanation. I can even feel the whole crowd staring at me for an explanation. "I just came out here to tell you that you look absolutely amazing" I lied and the girl smiled.

"Really?" she said looking down at her body and her ass falling out her shorts.

"Yea... I am so jealous of your body" I said and she laughs.

"I'm jealous of you. You get him all to yourself" she said staring at Cameron. I scratch my eye brow and Cameron continues to stare at me. "We all should take a picture" the girl said grabbing my hand. She stands in the middle of Cameron and I and we all smile at the camera. "Thank you" she says kissing Cameron's cheek.

"Nice meeting you" I say walking away. I head back to where Rachel was and she was shaking her head. When I get back to her she stares me down.

"You could of ruin this meet'n'greet Melanie. This will be your last Magcon tour show" she said shaking her head. I look back at Cameron and another fan is up to him.

"Don't worry, I don't want to come to another one of these shows ever again" I said turning around and grabbing my purse. I walk back into the waiting room and sat in the chair and decided to call Jasmine.

"Hello!" she yells.

"Hey Jas"

"You know... as your manager, your agent, your friend, and someone who takes care of you. Your little ass needs to make sure you contact me! Don't you EVER get up and leave like this ever again Melanie" she says.

"I'm sorry"

"DAMN IT! Like I'm very pissed at you right now!"

"I'm with Cameron"

"Yes, everything is about fuckin Cameron now I get it, but he can't be your everything Melanie. You have a career, you have a job!"

"Jas, I said I'm sorry" and I hear her take a deep breath.

"Mel, if you rely on Cameron so much, then I'm scared if you guys break up..."

"I'm not relying on him Jasmine. He's my boyfriend, we just wanted to be together"

"And don't get me wrong, I love seeing you two together, but he has his own schedule and his own life too Melanie. He won't stop that for no one" she says. I think about it and she was right. Lately, everything has been about Cameron and sometimes I even get stressed about it. My life use to be much simpler. I tell Jasmine what just happened about me going up to this girl about to beat her ass and we laughed on the phone. After Jasmine and I got off the phone, I sit there waiting for the guys to be done with their meet'n'greet.

"Hey" someone says and I look over to see Christian and he sits in the chair next to me.


"You okay?" I hear him laugh and I shake my head.

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