29. (Hit it then Quit it?)

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The following morning, I laid in Cameron Dallas bed...naked. Like butt ass naked. Last night happened. I lost my virginity. No let me say this, I lost my virginity to Cameron Dallas. I've always had so many questions and so many people gave me answers. But doing this myself, it was different than what everyone told me it would be like. I look over to see Cameron still sleeping. He was laying on his back and his chest moves up and down slowly going with his breathing. I stare at him, I put my hand on his chest and stared at his perfect face. His jaw line, the arch of his nose. I bend over and kiss him on his chest, his perfect chest. I work my way up to meet his soft lips.

"Mmm..." Cameron moans. His eyes flutter open and he looks over at me and smiles. "Morning"

"Morning" I smiled at him and he pulls me into his arms and kisses me.

"Do you want breakfast?" he asked.

"I'm feeling pizza" I say and Cameron laughs, kisses my forehead then rolls over me and got out of bed. He stretches his arms, yawning and his boxer are kind of turned to the right. Cameron stares at me and smiles. "Damn, you're beautiful" he says smiling at me, I roll my eyes and laugh. Cameron walks to the bathroom and I hear him start to pee. I bend over and grab my tank-top and slipped it on. I pull my hair back in a messy bun and leaned back on Cameron's bed. Cameron comes out and looks at me and smiles. "Stay just like that" he says running over to his pants on the ground pulling out his phone. He lifts his phone and points it at me.

"Eww Cam, what are you doing?" I asked covering my face.

"No stop" he says coming over to the bed and moving my hands. "Please let me" he says. I laugh and do a silly face and Cameron takes the picture. I laugh and he stares at the picture. "Man, I am so lucky" he says smiling at me. He gets up from the bed and walks to the door. "I'm going to get your pizza ready babe" he shouts back. He opens the door and closes it. I laugh and get up and went to the bathroom to take a shower. I let the water hit my face and I smile. I smile because I am filled with happiness inside. After my shower, I go to my bag and pulled out shorts, and my sports bra. I walked into Cameron's closet and pulled out a sweatshirt. I re-did my messy bun, grabbed my phone then I went downstairs to the kitchen. "Yea I hear you" Cameron says and I see he's on the phone but pulling out the pizza in the microwave. I go and lean on the counter and got on my phone to see that Cameron tagged me in the picture.

 I go and lean on the counter and got on my phone to see that Cameron tagged me in the picture

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I smile at it and set my phone down and looked at Cameron who was staring at me.

"Yea, I know. Okay, I'll see you in a little" Cameron says getting off his phone and walking over to me. He lifts me up on the counter and smiles at me.

"Who was that?" I asked.


"What did she want?" Cameron stares at me then bites his lip.

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