22. (Hoodies Up, Head Down)

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When Cameron and I get downstairs everyone was waiting in the lobby.

"Who's riding with who?" Cameron asked.

"I'm driving, I have you, Melanie, Christian and Nessa. Then Matthew is driving and has Lyndsey, Tana and Aaron" Carter said as we start to walk out the hotel. Nessa wraps her arm around me and we follow behind the guys.

"I hate you" I say to her and she laughs.

"It'll be fun" she says as we get to Carters car. Cameron opens the door and Nessa gets in first, then me, then Cameron. Christian rides upfront with Carter.

"They ready?" Carter asked. Cameron turns around and looks in Matthew's car behind us and he waves.

"Yea, we're good" Cameron says turning around. Carter starts the car and we are on our way to where ever.

"If we get in trouble, I blame you" I said looking at Nessa and she rolls her eyes at me.

"Melanie, have you ever done anything in your life that made you take a risk?" Carter asked looking at me in rear-view mirror.

"I'm doing it right now" I said and they laugh.

"I mean other than this?" he says and I think about it for a minute. Have I done something in my life that could probably get me sent to jail? No.

"No" I said.

"Listen and listen carefully" Carter says and Cameron and Christian started laughing.

"Oh boy" Christian says.

"Life is too short darling. You will spend it with regrets if you don't take a few risk" Carter says.

"Sometimes it's better to ask for forgiveness other than permission" Cameron says resting his hand on my thigh.

"So sit back and be wild-free tonight, you are in good hands" Christian says turning up the music and an old Chris Brown song was playing. I look over at Nessa and she smiles at me then grabs my hand.

"We're going to be okay" Nessa says. It takes a minute to get where we were going, but I'm pretty sure we were in downtown Los Angeles. Cameron, Carter, and Christian were literally screaming on top of their lungs over each song that played on the radio. At one point Cameron leaned out the window shouting. He probably would have stayed like that the whole way if I didn't tell him that I didn't think that was safe. Carter pulls into an alley and turns off the car.

"Everyone get out of my car!" Carter yells and he opens his door. Cameron and Nessa open their doors and get out. I take a deep breath and follow Cameron out.

"Just like old times" Matthew said and him and Carter knuckle punch each other.

"Where are we?" Lyndsey asked and we look around the dirty alley.

"We have to walk over there, I want us to leave our cars here" Carter said popping his trunk. We look inside and Carter had a box filled with MagCon sweatshirts. "Everyone grab a sweatshirt, put it on and hoods up" Carter said taking off his shirt and slipping into the hoodie. Why the hell are we changing?

"Why?" Tana asked.

"Can you guys stop worrying and just do it" Carter said handing everyone a sweatshirt. I look over at Aaron and he was texting on his phone. Aaron seems normal. He seems like the only one in the group who is actually normal. Something like this I don't think Aaron would do.

"Babe" someone says and I look over and Cameron's handing me a sweatshirt. I just stare at him. "Mel, I will put it on you myself" he says. I look over and the girls were already putting the sweatshirts on. Matthew walks over to Aaron and handed him one. Aaron laughs and takes the sweatshirt. I took a deep breath and grabbed the sweatshirt. Cameron smiles and takes off his shirt so he's showing his bare abs then he slides the sweatshirt on. After watching him and mostly staring at his body, I put my sweatshirt on as well.

"Alrighty, everyone put your phones in the box and don't ask me why, just do it" Carter said as he threw his Iphone in the box.

"But..." Tana says holding her phone.

"Come on you social media lovers! You can spare a few hours not using your phone. This is nothing to record, put on your snapchat, Instagram or whatever. You too Aaron" Carter said. Is he trying to rob us? Nessa, Christian, Matthew, Lyndsey, Aaron and ever Tana put their phones in the box. Cameron pulls out his beautiful, black iphone 7 and puts it in the box. I take my iphone out of my pocket and put it in the box. Carter shuts the trunk and locks his car. "You got em' still?" Carter asked Matthew as they walk to Matthew's car.

"Got what?" I said.

"Cam, come look!" Carter said. Cameron jogs over to where Carter and Matthew were. I turn to the girls and Tana was staring at the back of Carter's trunk.

"You know you could get your phone back and we can leave" I say to her.

"No she's fine. Tana you can live without your phone" Nessa says grabbing Tana.

"Mel, what's the problem? They won't do anything ridiculous and put us in trouble, so you should relax" Lyndsey said.

"I don't think Cameron would put you in a situation where it's illegal" Nessa says.

"Yo, come here" Christian shouts to us. We look over and all the guys were looking at something in Matthew's trunk. We walk over to them when we look inside to see...skateboards. Carter grabs one, then Aaron, then Christian. "Do you guys skateboard?" Christian asked holding the board.

"Ya'll brought us here to skateboard?" Lyndsey said and they laugh. "No I don't skateboard" she says.

"I do" Nessa says grabbing a skateboard.

"I'll try" Tana said grabbing a skateboard.

"Mel?" Cameron says looking at me as he grabs a board. "Do you know how?" he asked.

"No, I don't" I say.

"That's fine" Cameron said closing the trunk.

"Let's go" Carter said as he leaves the alley. Cameron grabs my hand and we all jog up to meet up with Carter. We were walking down the street then turned into another alley.

"Where are you taking us?" Tana asked. Carter stops at a door and he pulls out a screw driver. He jams it into the door pulling it open.

"We're going to jail" I said and everyone quietly laughs. Carter walks in first then turns to look at us. "Hoods up, stay quiet, look down, let's go" he says and we all follow him. We get inside and it was super dark. I held onto Cameron's hand and we followed Carter to wherever he's taking us. "Just go through the doors, I'll meet you" Carter said walking a different direction than us. Matthew led the way and we follow him to these huge doors. When we all got inside and the door shuts behind us, Matthew stops.

"Go" Lyndsey whispers.

"Just wait" Aaron said.

"Wait for what?" Tana says.

"Carter" Christian says. I look around and it was pitch black, I still hugged onto Cameron.

"Mel" Cameron whispers to me. "Don't freak out" he says and I look over at him trying my best to look into his eyes but all I can see is the outline of his face.

"Why would I freak out?" I whisper. Then the lights in the place cut on and all the guys yell.

"NO...FUCKING...WAY" Tana says. I look over to see a bunch of seats, a huge stage and the letter's that spell out STAPLES.

We just broke into the Staples Center...

...and I'm going to jail.

and I'm going to jail

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