37. (Magcon Part One)

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When we arrive in Florida, it was pretty hot but what did you expect? It's Florida. We got off the plane and got into a cab and took it to the hotel. I was so exhausted and just leaned my head back on the seat. Cameron sat in the middle of Rachel and I, I mean we dislike each other so of course we wouldn't sit next to one another. I think Rachel was pretty pissed off that I came, she never said it but the obvious silence made it clear. I didn't really care, I hope I piss her off more and more everyday because I can't express how much I dislike her. It took us awhile until we got to the hotel, but when we did, magcon didn't fail. The hotel was big and beautiful and looked hella expensive. We get out the car and Cameron grabs mine and his luggage. We walk into the hotel and took the elevator up.

"Cameron, the guys are already at the event, a car will be downstairs in about 15 minutes to take you to it. So get changed and hurry to get there, you already missed like half of rehearsal but can't do anything about that now" Rachel says as the elevator door open. Cameron and I follow her out until she reaches her door. Cameron and I continue to walk down the hall till we got to his room. He opens the door and the room was huge. We walk into the living room and Cameron shuts the door behind us.

"This is your room?" I asked looking around.

"Well... the guys and mine. We each have our own rooms" Cameron laughed.

"They hook you guys up" I say looking around. There was the obvious clothes and things thrown on the ground but what do you expect in a room full of guys.

"My room is over here babe" Cameron says and I turn around to see he was walking down a small hallway. He turns right and I follow him into the room. One huge bed sat in the middle of the room. Cameron puts my luggage down then looks over at me.

"So we go home Saturday?" I asked.

"Already want to leave?" Cameron joked and I smiled. "Yea, Saturday, we were going to go home Friday night after the show but we pushed it back" he says taking off his shirt. "I'm going to get in the shower"

"Okay" I said looking at him.

"You okay? Can I get you anything?" he says and I laugh.

"No, I'm fine" I leave the room to walk around the nice hotel room. I come back to the living room and went to the window to look at the view. Florida's view was beautiful but it had nothing on Cali's view. I hear the shower start and I go sit down on the couch and pulled out my phone to call my mom.

"Hello? Melanie" I hear my mom said.

"Hey mom"

"You might as well get rid of your phone if you aren't going to answer it" she says angry. "And what happened? You got me, your dad, your brother all worried. You won't pick up your phone. All I see is different headlines about you. What happened? Where are you? What are you doing?"

"Mom... I'm fine. Just a couple of mean people"

"Because dating that boy"

"Mom, it's not his fault"

"Melanie, where are you?"

"Ummm... I'm in Florida right now. Cameron wanted me to come and be with him while he does his show"

"So you go to a place where his fans who already attacked you, could attack you again?"

"I'll be fine mom" I continue to talk to my mom about everything that is going on and went into detail about what happened and my nightmare. I told her that when I get home I'll be by to see her. After getting off the phone with her, I called my dad and told him everything was fine and I sent my brother a text as well. Nessa and Jasmine had texted me but I wasn't in the mood to talk to them.

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