30. (Dump, Streak, or Video)

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The following morning, I was up making breakfast for Nessa and I. Nessa was still sleep in the bedroom and I was starving. My phone started to ring and I look to see it was Cameron calling. I smile and answer it.

"Hello" I say making scrambled eggs.

"Hey babe, what are you doing?" he asked.

"Making Nessa and I breakfast, you?"

"Heading to rehearsal right now" he said.

"Fun" I say and leaning out the kitchen to look at my bedroom to see it was still shut. "Cam?"


"You didn't tell Christian right?"

"Melanie..." he says.

"I know I know. I just wanted to know if you planned on sleeping with me yesterday night"


"Nessa told me that Christian said when one of you guys asked to have the house to himself—" I start to say before Cameron cuts me off.

"Are you serious right now? Mel, I didn't tell anyone and no I didn't plan on sleeping with you! Yes, that's the code for us, but I wanted to talk to you in private!" he says and I can tell he's angry.

"Alright, alright... just checking"

"Like damn, if I knew you were so worried and would regret it I wish we never done it" he says. Ouch?

"I never said I regret it"

"Then also why is it so bad if our friends know?" he asked.

"Why are you getting mad at me right now?"

"Because I don't know what's the big fuckin deal is?"

"Alright Cam... I'm going to go" I say and he hangs up on me without saying anything. This time, it's my fault. Why am I so worried? Do I regret it? No I don't, I just don't think everyone should be in our business, am I right? After breakfast, Jasmine came over and dropped off my pictures.

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"Damn Mel, you are hot!" Nessa said at the pictures.

"I agree" Jasmine said and I smile at the pictures, this was exciting.

"When will they be out?" I asked.

"By the end of next week" Jasmine said.

"I am so excited" I say.

"As am I! So I'm going to drive up to your moms and give her some photos then I have a hot date tonight" Jasmine said picking up her purse.

"Who's the lucky girl?" Nessa asked and we look over at Jasmine. She smiles and rolls her eyes.

"It's nothing serious, I'll see you two later" she says leaving my apartment. Nessa and I both look at each other and started laughing.

"She's such a player' Nessa said.

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