36. (Cam Please Protect Me)

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Falling asleep in Cameron's arms after this shitty day had to be the best thing ever. It didn't take me long to doze off. Earlier the next morning when I woke up, Cameron was gone. I look over at my clock to see it was 6am and dark as hell outside. He left? Cameron left and didn't say bye? What the hell. I look over at the bathroom to see the door was shut but the light was on.

"Cameron?" I said softly. Nothing. "Cam?" I come again and still nothing. I get out of bed and turned on my table light and walked over to the bathroom to knock. "Cameron?" I say again and still nothing. I opened the door to see no one in my bathroom. I stare at the empty bathroom then turned around to look on my bedroom floor for his duffel bag. Gone. He seriously left? I go to my bedroom door to see it was unlocked. I walked out the room and it was dark in the hall and the living room. I try to turn the hallway light on but it wouldn't. "What the hell?" I go into the living room and cut the light on and looked down the hallway at the front door. It was unlock. How could Cameron leave and be so fucking careless? Is he serious? I start to walk down the hallway to the door and was about to lock it when I heard voices.

"Is she in here?" someone says.

"Yes" someone said. I go up to the door and looked through the peep hole. That's when I saw four people in black masks at my front door. What the hell? This is not happening! This is not happening. I quietly lock my door and back up from it. The door knob starts to shake trying to open the door. Their trying to break into my apartment? I turn around and look around my apartment for my phone. Kitchen? No. Living room? No. Guest bathroom? No. Then I hear the sound of my front door opening. I quietly run to my bedroom and closed the door and locked it. I start to breath heavy and my heart began to race. I look around my bedroom hoping that I brought my phone in here. Nothing! I started to panic and cry. I go to my laptop and open it. Dead. THIS IS NOT HAPPENING! I look around for my laptop cord, it's not here. I set myself up for this. Tears just stream down my cheek and I had absolutely no clue what to do. What can I do? Why did Cameron leave me? Why hasn't any one checked up on me? I walk back over to the door and pressed my ear against. "Where is she?"

"Bitch is probably sleeping"

"It'll be easier to get her then" someone says. I feel hopeless. I look around my room to see if I could use anything as a weapon and there was nothing! Absolutely nothing. My bedroom door knob start to wiggle. I quietly went into my bathroom, shut and locked the door. I look around for something to use and found my plunger. "Oh Melanie" someone sings.

"Come on, we just want a picture" someone else says and I can tell they are in my room. I started crying even more.

"Cameron Dallas's girlfriend" someone joked.

"Soon to be ex-girlfriend" another one said and I back up from the door till I hit the tub. The bathroom knob starts jigging then it stops. I start to cry more and breathing heavily. The door swings open and the four mask stared back at me. "Awhh, she's so scared"

"Please stop" I said and they laugh. One of them lifted a gun up to me. "NO!" I said dropping the plunger and putting my hands up.

"Don't worry, we'll take good care of Cameron" they laughed. This was it. This was how I was going to die? By a bunch of Cameron Dallas fans? Because I'm dating Cameron Dallas? The gun goes off...

...And I wake up

"NO!" I yelled sitting up in bed and started panting heavy. I was sweating and was trying to breath.

"Mel!" someone says and I can tell Cameron was next to me. I couldn't look at him only staring at the bathroom where I was shot. "Melanie!" I started crying and shaking my head. "It was just a nightmare! You're safe! It was just a nightmare, I promise!" Cameron says grabbing me. I cry even more as I lean on his chest but I continue to stare at the bathroom. My heart still beating fast. All of this because a bunch of girls threw their drinks at me? I'm scared I might get murdered because 7eleven drinks? Because what happened to Andrea Russett. Cameron rubs my head trying to get me to calm down. "Babe, you're okay, I got you" he says and I close my eyes trying to catch my breath. I take a deep breath and stayed in Cameron's arm. Melanie... chill out. It was just a nightmare. I stayed up the rest of the time and Cameron stayed up with me. About 2 hours went by and we sit in the dark in silence. Cameron's phone started to ring and I hear him bend over to look at it. "Hello?" he says. He lets out a sigh, "okay" then he gets off the phone. He continued to rub my back as I lay on him.

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