12. (The Party, The Kiss, The Surprise)

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When I woke up, I was super excited for the party, that's all I can think about. Then Jack Gilinsky is super handsome so yea I'm kinda pumped. Yes... I know he has a girlfriend which I question why he didn't want her to play the love interest but I'm not complaining. Jasmine was coming to pick me up and take me over there at 2pm. I had to come make-up free and hair not done. I grabbed my outfit and threw it in a bookbag that had an Ohio State logo on it. I stuffed a few snacks in the bag and waited till it was time for me to leave. I might as well vlog, I thought grabbing my camera.


Hey every one, you know that surprise I was talking about? Well, it's about to happen in less than thirty minutes and I know you all are probably thinking like your surprise is about to happen and you look like that? Let me explain... later. Anyways, going to be super busy, talk to you later.

I close the camera and rolled my eyes realizing how pointless that video was. I was just bored waiting for Jasmine. The front door opens and Lynd and Tana walk in.

"You excited for today?" Tana asked putting her purse on my counter.

"Super, I'm a little nervous, but more excited" I said and we laugh. "Hey where's Nessa?" I asked. Tana and Lyndsey look at each other then back over at me.

"She'll see you at the party" Lyndsey said.

"I know that but where is she right now?" I asked.

"She had to go do something real fast" Tana says. I rolled my eyes because they aren't good liars. Whatever Nessa is doing, I was kinda sad I don't get to see my best friend before I go. When it was time Jasmine texted me she was here and I tell the girls bye and head downstairs to the car.

"How you feeling?" Jasmine asked leaving the parking spot.

"Excited" I say.

"Good. So I will be there with you while you get your make-up done and hair done and whatever. But, I'm not staying for the party. I am too old to be hanging out with young adults who are barely in their twenties yet" she says and I laugh.

"Sounds good" and we listen to Jack and Jack's new song while we head over to their house. We pull up to a driveway with security and Jasmine rolls down the window.

"Name?" Security asked.

"Melanie Smith and Jasmine Martinez" Jas says. He looks at the list and nods with approval and the gates open.

"Damn, their acting like the Kardashian's live here or something" Jasmine says and we laugh. We pull up and get out to see Garrett coming out to greet us.

"There's the other girlfriend" he said waving me to come up to him. Girlfriend?

"Girlfriend?" Jasmine says.

"For the video" Garret mocks. He grabs my bookbag and we walk inside down a hallway. When I get into this tan colored room I saw Natalie getting her make-up done. "Okay, so is your outfit in here?" he asked.

"Yes" I say.

"Good. I'm going to head over to the wardrobe and make sure it's okay. You stay in here and get your hair and make-up done. Jack and Jack are getting ready and we are getting everything ready for the party tonight" Garrett says waving his hands in the air like we're back in his time dancing. I scratch my ear and looked away from him to save the embarrassment. Garret laughs then leaves and I go sit by Natalie and we gushed over the video. After we were done with hair and make-up we were ushered over to the wardrobe (the dining room with all the clothes) and grabbed our outfits and went upstairs to get dressed. I looked at myself in the mirror after I had my outfit on and I looked pretty damn fine.

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