28. (No Going Back)

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After the Meet'n'Greet which literally lasted all day but I didn't mind because I love all my friends. Jasmine, was driving us back to our apartment.

"Proud of you ladies" Jasmine said.

"Meet'n'greets are everything" Nessa said.

"I agree, I could do one literally every week" I said as Jasmine pulls up to the apartment.

"You say that now" Jasmine said and we laugh and open the door. "Okay, well have a good night, both of you. If Cameron pisses you off Mel, let me know, I will come rescue you. Also, I should have your pictures tomorrow, I think" she adds.

"Alright" I say getting out the car. "Bye Jas, love you"

"Love you too" she says and I shut the door. I look back and I see Nessa walking up to Christian who just got out of Cameron's car. He's already here? I walk over to the car and Cameron gets out and walks over to me.

"What'd you do wait till we came home?" I asked.

"Pretty much" he says smirking at me.

"Okay, so where are we going?" I asked.

"My house, go pack a bag" Cameron said leaning on his car staring at me. Pack a bag? Am I staying at his house? What if I don't want to? Jasmine did say she would save me if I needed it. "Melanie, go get a bag" he demanded. I turn around and walk with Nessa and Christian upstairs to my floor. I go into my room and grabbed my Ohio State bag and started packing pajamas, and all my essentials I'll need to get by tonight. I go and change into another bra, a tank-top and a t-shirt and jeans. When I was done, I walk out and Nessa was coming up to me.

"If you need anything let me know" Nessa said.

"Right. You as well. Have fun Ness and use protection" I smirk.

"STOP!" she says laughing. I take the elevator down and walk out the lobby and Cameron opens the door for me. I get in and he gets in the driver's side and we head to his house. Cameron plays with the radio when we came across Justin Bieber's song, 'Cold Water'. Cameron turns up the volume and sings a long and doesn't say one thing to me as we go to his house. As we get to his house, I get out and throw my Ohio State bag over my shoulder and follow Cameron inside, it was dark and quiet.

"Where's everyone?" I asked.

"I wanted the house to myself" Cameron said putting the keys on a table next to the door. "You hungry? I got us pizza" he says walking to the kitchen. I stare at him then decided to take my bag upstairs and set it on his dresser. I go back downstairs and walk into the kitchen and Cameron was making two plates of towers of pizza. "You like sweet tea, so I made sure I stocked up on it" he says showing me the fridge and it's filled with Lipton sweet tea. I laugh and stare at him. Cameron grabs both plates and I follow him back to the living room. He already had One Tree Hill set up on Netflix. He sits down on the couch and looks up at me. "Well come sit next to me" he smirks. I ignore how strange he's acting and I go sit down. I pick up a slice of pizza and started eating it. Cameron starts to eat as well but doesn't look at me.

"You going to play it?" I asked putting my pizza down. He rubs his head and doesn't say anything.

"My dad left us" Cameron starts to say. He's doing this now? He's doing this right now? He's going to open up to me right now? Cameron looks over at me. "He was such a shitty person" Cameron laughs and leans back on the couch. "I think I was about seven when he decided to pack up and leave. He didn't want to deal with my mom or my sister and I. No he didn't abuse us. No he didn't do drugs or was an alcoholic, he honestly just didn't want us as a family and I think that's the worse kind of dad there is. So, I had to become the man of my house and I took care of my mom and Sierra, they are my main priority" he says rubbing the back of neck.

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